
random new year ramblings

You know, this Bush win is still bothering me.... it all just seemed to happen and be accepted all too quickly.... it just FEELS like something is up... I don't know if it's the whole voter fraud thing with the machines, the religious folks or what... but everyone is just way too quiet.... feels erie..

I don't want to become a big Bush basher. (that would be too easy) I mean, I could sit back and say 'oh that george bush! he said _______ yesterday and he's still an idiot!' but what point would it serve?

The republicans own everything anyway. Believe it or not, I actually do have a naive hope that gw will actually be more moderate in his second term. I think that most of his insane religious-right posturing was just trotted out just to win the election. Besides what the hell does 'born again' mean in america in the 21st century?... it means that you only drive American suv's? or that you only drive suv's with 'wwjd?' stickers on the bumper?, i mean he likes zz top and cocaine, he can't really be a crazy conservative, right?

Do you ever think when talking about our president the question isn't 'did he ever do drugs?' but 'when do you think he stopped doing drugs?' We've inherited the worst parts of our 70's childhoods.... the self-involvement and hedonism without any of the idealism and altruism. ah well, it could be worse.

as an aside, I love being back on the East coast simply because of the range of seafood options at the grocery store. i'm surprised that some crazy vegan hasn't started a line of fake fish. I mean, they have fake cow and pig, why not fake catfish? squirrel? or fake pigeon? It could make MILLIONS in Asia.

Speaking of Asia, I heard a guy say at lunch today that the whole tsunami thing could be the basis for even bigger conspiracy theories than 9/11... he says on this wonderful place called the internet, he 'heard' (how do you hear on the internet if you're reading?) that the quake could've actually been the US doing some new 'terrorist attack testing' with an underground nuclear bomb but they miscalculated the whole affects of the tsunami thing..

you know over 100 people died in Somalia.... that means it took the wave like 9 or 10 hours to travel from Sumatra to the East coast of Africa..... NO ONE thought for a minute to warn the brothas??? And don't tell me that they don't have cell phones in Somalia yet...


CD of the moment - ... actually, it's one song that I keep playing over and over and over. It is the Little Louie Vega remix of a Japanese artist called Pushim and the song is called "Like a Sunshine, My Memory". I guess I could recommend the whole album, but I haven't heard it yet. It might be some corny Japanese shit. I've tried to buy a few Japanese artists, but besided Mondo Grosso I haven't found anyone else that has a solid release... and since to recommend a single song that you can't purchase in the US anyway would be rather elitist of me I'll recommend a CD: Joey Negro & Dimitri from Paris- "Kings of Disco"

Then again, I'm coming to grips with the fact that my musical tastes are pretty elitist.... so ... whatever.... I'm just rambling because I'm trying to find an interesting way to end this one.... but I'm just thinking to myself.. "how in the hell did I get here?"....

um... yeah...


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