
random hump day thoughts

Okay..... before I continue with what I am sure some of you deem as ignorant... I just want to say as those of you who know me agree that I have no issues anyone’s sexual preferences .…….... just don't show me the tapes

Okay... I’ve been out and about a lot more than usual lately trying to meet a nice lady that doesn’t spin fire, have a drinking problem, or some other nondescript issue that would keep me from spending time with them. It seems to me that lately a lot of women, and probably men (on some undercover ish, but my statements are pointed toward women) .. anyways.. it seems as if a lot of women are claiming to be bi-sexual in the duce-double-zero-duce publicly...

I'm not hating, that's not my MF (modus fuckerandi) , but I mean come on... this shit is getting a little bit out of hand... without even asking, its thrown out there as if it was like saying "Hey I bought a new hat today".

I mean WTF??... I have no problems with anyone's sexual preferences and I would even encourage those who aren't sure about themselves to try some different shit out. But bi-sexual ladies in my world have always been like the mythical Unicorn in days of yore, a four leaf clover, a suitcase full of money, a credit card error in my favor, or a “very, very healthy” woman looking good in spandex,.... yeah they exist somewhere... but no-where in a 10 mile radius of my current position.

Now its like 1 out of every 3 chicks I meet gets rug burn on their chinny chin chin!! When did it become this cool thing to 'be into like that damn Burberry pattern everyone wears. (I even saw a woman who had a Burberry sweater on her dog, no lie!)

Did someone make female on female coochie licking a national pastime without sending me the memo?? I mean got damn.... honestly... what’s up... why all of a sudden there are so many ladies pitch hitting for the other team??

Was there a shortage of gay females and now ladies want to pick up the slack?? Are these just fairweather lesbians that aren't really sure but just want to play?

Or is it that these ladies have seen one to many rap videos.. and wanted to see what it felt like to have a woman drop it like its hot???

let me know PLEASE!!!!!


CD of the moment: Gustav Mahler - "Symphony No. 5"


a couple more questions..

Keep the questions coming. I only have one or two more to answer.
CD of the moment: Lake Trout - "Volume for the rest of it"

Q. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

A. Hmmmm, I would be a big ass cockroach. I’d live forever, have millions of friends, and it would be my duty to mate at an exponential rate. The problem would be all the damn kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc…

Q. Dear Chronicles: At this point, the guys I meet fall into two categories: Category One are "guys who have always gotten ass" and Category Two are "guys who have just recently begun to get ass now that they're making money." While I'm sure you can't speak from personal experience, how does a woman ease the insecurities of the men in Category Two. (Not that I'm trying to heal the world, but the whining has to stop!)

A. Just ‘getting laid’ and looking for a relationship are two different things. Sometimes its fun to get laid--sometimes its sad and empty.

Sometimes the person you are attracted to opens their mouth and complete idiocy comes out--and you are frustrated that yet again, you have encountered another imbecile. It only serves to remind you that what you really crave is someone who can stimulate you on all levels.Challenge your brain--push you to new experience--and they are hard to find.

Quit fooling yourself. As much as you would like to believe you can, your impact on his demons (sexual demons) will be minimal. So unless you feel like giving it up all the time and playing the supportive role when the sex is downright disappointing time after time after time, I’d avoid Category #2 all together. I do. By the time you reach 27, you would hope that every person has had someone to rock their world and teach them or thing or two. Maybe you can be the teacher, I can’t. You don’t want to get looked at like a freak when you open up your sex drawer and they see all your toys. As long as yo! u can get over the insecurities that come with knowing that sex with you won’t be some special new experience, stick with the guys that know what they’re doing.

Q. Do you think your values and experience contribute to those upon which this (American) society has been founded? Do you think that the president is 'aggressively promoting' those values around the world? and if not, what are you doing about it? and if yes,! i would like to hear about it.

A. I usually keep my political views to myself for a number of reasons. First of all, I’ve been forced to vote Republican all of my life because of the nature of my father’s position working in state government. They could go and see what you and your family voted and if you didn’t actively campaign and vote for the boss (who was Republican) you knew they could replace you whenever they wanted. So every four years, my dad’s job was in jeopardy thus my college tuition fund, etc… was also in jeopardy, so it didn’t matter what I thought for the longest, because my vote HAD to be Republican.

Now that my dad is retired, I can vote for whoever I want. So since everyone in my dad’s office had to blindly follow whether they agreed or not, made me always feel like promoting a political stance in the workplace or in public for that matter is just simply a no-no. Either you look fake, are trying to get something from someone (Politics) and inevitably, someone is going to disagree with how you feel so I feel it’s wise to keep politics to myself. But since we’re all friends and family here, I’ll let you know how I really feel.

I think Bush is an absolute and complete idiot. I have to turn the channel every time I see him on TV, he makes me sick to my stomach. The values he promotes around the world is that image of the ‘Big Bad American’ that doesn’t give a shit about anything or anyone else unless it in some way is in him and his cronies’ best financial interest. There is no desire to do what is ‘right’, only what is financially viable. EX. By allowing the Israeli / Palestinian conflict to endure, it guarantees that Israel will continue to buy Apache Helicopters, weapons, etc… from us. Since the Palestinians don’t have anything we want, we are in no hurry to help them in their plight! and that is obvious.

So no, I don’t think the president’s agenda and the values he promotes around the world are a reflection of me at all. What am I going to do about it? When I travel overseas, I make it a point to not let people know I’m from the US unless they ask directly. I won’t even tell other US citizens I’m from the US because the rest of the world pretty much hates us, but the perception is that they can’t do anything about it. So part of it is that we’re the biggest and the baddest, and no one likes the king. But we don’t have to rub it in the face of the rest of the world how strong we are, and this is what I hate about what ! Bush does. We can make so much of a positive difference in so many places around the world, but instead we supply places like Israel which is about as big as Delaware with something crazy like 5million dollars a day!! What I do about is try to let people know that we’re all not like that. We understand the reasons they don’t like us and if there were more black people in Nebraska, Oklahoma, etc…. shit would be different.

More than anything, I think at this point, I just try to learn about why we do what appears to me to be absolutely and completely moronic and irrational in how we deal with the rest of the world. Knowledge truly is power, so by gaining a broad understanding of the “Why?” and “How?” we’ll be able to figure out what we can do to change things.


more questions answered

Q. Are you pursuing excellence?

A. Honestly, I pursue excellence about 75% of the time in about 50% of the things I do. Upon first hearing this, one would be led to believe that I’m a slacker of some sort. In actuality, I have a terrible habit of starting many different projects at the same time and being passionate about them for a few weeks until I get my next big idea. If any of these ideas start to bear the fruits of my labor, then I get passionate about them again, but usually, just enough to get the job done until I move onto the next big idea.

Some of the random thoughts and ideas I’ve become passionate about in just the past year alone have included: Furniture Design, Freelance Vibe Consultant (or one who helps establishments create a certain vibe, bring in clientele, etc..), Author, Web Site Design, Online Architectural Discussion Group, Buying a House / Condo, Finance, Day-Trading Stocks, you name it….. With so many ideas running around in my head, I find it difficult to wholeheartedly pursue excellence in everything I do. However, at work, I’m all about business and rarely miss a deadline and do whatever it takes to get the job done as accurate and complete as possible. Even though no set of drawings is ever complete, I can do my best to keep the errors to a minimum. At work, yes, I pursue excellence, with everything else………..

Q. Shouldn't this forum be a stream of consciousness towards maturity, intellectualism, politics, passion, integrity, male female relationships, struggles? Why get your tongue pierced, why get a tattoo, why strive toward where etc? Black middle class society, what are it's responsibilities toward society, towards itself etc. Where are we in our fight for our piece of the pie.

A. I hope to touch on a lot of these issues. I usually refrain from expounding on politics, black people (unless it’s ignorant mf’s), and the ‘black struggle’ for a number of reasons. First of all, I rarely have the time to touch on an entire issue, thus making my argument appear misguided, weak, and jaded. Second of all, my black experience is different then everyone else’s so I could speak from MY point of view, but that is something that is not easily translatable and understood without giving a lot of background as to how I come to the conclusions I do (see my first point). But the point is well taken. I’m not trying to be BET and have this be a one dimensional forum a! ll about booty shakin’, etc…

Q. Maybe the issue between you as a young man and women is they have a plan and you have desire. Maybe a more cerebral approach might lend itself to a better understanding of women. Always be cognizant of the fact that they think different than you. Their perception of the same event is totally different than yours. Always know your opponent.

A. I’m not trying to go to war man! I still hope that I will find a woman that all of the strategic planning and attempts to gain the upper hand in the relationship will be truly unnecessary. I can’t stand playing the games, and not be able to say exactly what’s on my mind in fear of being misunderstood, ridiculed or have it marinate somewhere in the back of her mind to one day come out and haunt me….. “You remember six months ago when you said….”

I thought for the longest that the whole ‘men are from venus, etc…’ was a marketing ploy, but it does truly seem to be the case. I don’t have this problem with my female friends (at least I think I don’t), but once you throw sex into the equation, all of a sudden, the things that used to be cool and not cause problems are problematic. For example, it used to be okay to not speak to you for a day, now it’s “why didn’t you call me?” It used to be okay to drop $50 on CD’s, now I get lectured on what I should be doing with MY money. I suppose the idea that I chose to spend $50 on CD’s instead of getting her than dress she wanted or taking her out to eat doesn’t register well.

It seems that as a relationship gets stronger, her priorities shift, and the assumption is that mine are supposed to shift as well. I haven’t quite grasped how to avoid this yet.

............... now let's ponder for a moment the profound statements I just made .................

.................................................................... okay, thank you.

Q. What was your relationship with your mother like?

A. Damn, y’all trying to get deep on me and shit. My relationship with my mother is fabulous. It has grown over the years and our understanding of each other has grown over the years. Now, when my mother gives me advice she prefaces it by saying, “I know you’re not going to do what I say, but…..” My mom will call me at work in the middle of the day to talk shit. And that’s cool. I see a lot of myself in my mother (good and bad). The fact that I can do no wrong in my mother’s ! eyes always helps. If I do screw up, she is the one who is quick to point out the positive aspects of how I screwed up. She is always asking me if I’ve started taking my licensing exam, and always proud of whatever I do, yet continuing to push me forward. I love my mom.


I see how you are...

I must revisit one of my earlier answered questions:

Q. Is integrity important to you?

A. Yes, unless I’m dealing with women I’m having sex with.

I usually have zero amounts of integrity when regarding women I’m dating / fucking etc… Zero. I will sometimes lie, I will sometimes cheat, I will sometimes say whatever it is that they want to hear to keep them from being mad, upset, whatever. I hate confrontation with women, because I feel like we are ususally operating on two different sets of rules when it dealing with relationship issues. I can take the emotion out of an argument and discuss the issue at hand, for some reason, most of the women I’ve dealt with do not have the ability to do so. Therefore, in order to keep a discussion about where we should go to dinner from turning into a tirade about how I don’t love and respect her the way I should, I’ll do whatever it take! s to keep her happy. This might mean going out to eat Ethiopian food (which I can’t stand), hanging out with people who I wouldn’t speak to in a million years, and entertaining a thirty minute discussion about where the couch should be placed in the living room.

Please do not misunderstand my point. I have a tremendous amount of respect for women, some of my best friends are women (I know, I know it sounds like the old saying, “I have some black friends”), but I’m not having sex with them, and I won’t. If I do, then I have to be careful about what I do or say as not to disrespect the sanctity of the union that occurred during that night of excessive drinking. (When else do you have sex with your friends?)

Unless this is a woman who I plan on making my wife, I can basically already see the end in sight, thus not truly giving a damn about what the person thinks or how the person feels because I know eventually it will be over and once I find someone to marry, that person from my past will be completely eliminated from my life. I strongly believe that female friends (that I haven’t had sex with) are perfectly normal friendships to maintain once married. All of the other ones (that involve sex) have got to go. Why is this? Because my ego is big enough to make me believe that I can still have sex with every single one of my ex-girlfriends if I try. Maybe I have a big ego when it comes to this sort of thing, but the calls at ungodly hours of ! the night to proclaim how much I am missed play a role in making me feel the way I do.

Still, the question remains, why even deal with people who you don't plan on marrying? Well, I've never been interested in looking for marriage, so anyone I've dealt with has always been someone to deal with so that I don't go without, or to pass time until 'the real one' comes along. Am I living in a fantasy world? Probably.

Now, where is this coming from?

I’m pissed off.

I’m pissed off at myself.

And, I’m pissed off at one of you. I just don’t know who, so you all have to listen to my tirade.

I’m single, I’ve been single for a while. I still have (had) sex with my ex-girlfriend. Her whole thing is, “just be honest with me and it will be all right”. I have never bought it. She has tirelessly stated this since we’ve broken up, I could be with other women as long as I told her and my heart wasn’t into these other women. This has never made sense to me. So as long as in her view, if she is my #1 still, then whatever else I do is cool. Why in the hell would I tell her about other women in my life unless I wanted to ruin the friendship we had? I could give you her side of the story, but since it i! s such a broken record in my head, I’m tired of hearing it, the last thing I want to do is explain it.

I decided to not say shit about anybody else. I figured, we weren’t together, it doesn’t matter, and when I tried to tell her one night that it was none of her business she went ballistic. So even though it’s the truth, I learned that I shouldn’t let HER know I felt that way. From that day, I learned my lesson, Chris Rock was right, as soon as she knows what she says doesn’t matter it will all be ove, because in reality, she really cares,. So I lied. I lied because it is easier to act like nothing is going on in order to enjoy the time we would spend together. If I mentioned that I even met someone, I would have to play 1,000 questions and one of those questions inevitably was “So are you go! ing to fuck her?” It became impossible to just enjoy the time I spent with her because I would have to endure countless amounts of innuendo’s and smart ass comments about “all my hoes” that I decided to just not say shit about anything and lie about the rest. By maintaining this approach we were able to go out, have a good time, have great sex and truly enjoy each other’s friendship. But once she knew about someone else, it would all be over.

Now here is where YOU come in. One of you, who receives these writings, felt it in their good conscience to send it along to her so she could know what I'm talking about. I really have no idea for how long, and how many of these writings she has received. I suppose after hearing my response to the integrity question, she had had enough. Well, now that she knows, and had to hear it from somebody else instead of me, she has severed our friendship. Probably one of the best friendships I had these days. Maybe you (whoever sent it to her) had no idea what you were doing, but don’t you think if I had meant for her to know something, I would have told her?

I realize I am an idiot for writing what I write and assuming it wouldn't get back to her, but I suppose I had hoped to deal with that on my terms, not someone else’s. However, as soon as I press that send button, I know everything else is truly out of my hands. So I can only blame myself not whoever sent it on for the problems it caused. In retrospect, I guess I generally didn’t give a damn, I was just allowing whatever we had to play itself out until I found someone else that was worth giving her up for and I hadn’t found anyone yet. That is probably why I continued to see her and everything.

When I write about people, I try to keep them as non-descript and infamous as possible in order to not give away who they are because it isn’t really about them, it’s about my experiences and allowing others to look at things from their own eyes in hopes that if someone goes through some of the same shit I go through, they’ll be able to handle the situation better than I did. (Read: I’m kind enough to let you learn from my mistakes!) I thought about not writing about this because she’ll probably see it, but then that would defeat the whole purpose of doing this in the first place.

Do I feel like shit for lying to her face? Hell yeah.

Would I do it again? Probably, if it meant that I could still have her as a friend. It was all working fine until she found out. Now forward that to her.


CD of the moment: Cooly's Hot Box - "Take It"


10 more Q's answered

Q. Boxers or briefs?

A. Boxers, I’ve got to let my man breathe.

Q. Do cock rings hurt?

A. They don’t hurt. But let me tell you about my embarrassment when I tried it on and saw the one she got me was too big………. I went to take it back, and I ended up keeping it my pocket and buying the three sizes above and below it……………... you know, …………….in case my shit grew!!! …………….. shut up.

Q. Whats your magical secret with the ladies?? Do you have some kind of pheromone type shit that you put on, is it your cologne or aftershave? If so, where can I get it?

A. Danielson, in time my son I will teach you the way, but remember, patience is golden, rejection is assured, see the blue horse as it rises into the midnight sun. As time stands still, the mountains will weep when the yellow moon becomes full. Then and only then will you understand. It is written into the laws of flying rabbit, crouching fist under the verse that discusses the claws of the dragon technique.

Q. What offends you?

A. People who make assumptions about what I do, what I know, how I speak, etc… People who ‘expect’ me to not be smart, speak well, be an architect, etc… Negativity and those who promote it offends me. There is too much to be happy and thankful for to be sulking and focusing on the negative aspects of life. Lastly, ignorance offends me. I don’t mean lack of knowledge or lack of experience, I mean those who truly refuse to learn from their mistakes and are not open to anything other than what they believe and/or think they know.

Q. Is integrity important to you?

A. Extremely. I would hope I’m known for being honest, truthful, and honorable. I think integrity is reciprocal though. By maintaining a high level of integrity, you almost force people to be the same way back to you. Likewise, if someone has very little integrity, it is likely, that I’ll be less inclined to act with integrity towards them.

Q. What are you passionate about other than sex and women?

A. Damn, is it that obvious? I’m passionate about opening people’s minds to new things. It might be music, travel, architecture, world views but most importantly, I’m passionate about living every day like it might be my last and trying to have as few regrets as possible. So I’ve made some not so wise choices at the expense of rationality and have paid for it later, but I did enjoy those moments and am glad I did what I did and hope to learn something from each experience.

Q. If I am travelling in my car at a speed of 55 mph and I expel a fart composed primarily of nitrogen gas at the speed of 3mph and my ass is lifted at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal, and you are putting your car in reverse at the speed of 14 mph and expel a watery fart composed primarily of an aqueous sulfuric acid at a speed of 52 mph and his ass is lifted at an angle of 2mph in the positive direction with the horizontal, where do you bury the survivors?

A. My ass smells like roses, so this wouldn’t be a problem, but your tricky wording can’t fool me. You don’t bury survivors!

Q. What about terrorism? How does it affect us as Black people.

A. Terrorism has been great for black people. Nowadays, if I go into Macy’s and there is also a guy nearby with a long beard and a turban on his head, security is going to follow that guy not me! Terrorism has created an entire new minority group to be stereotyped that had so impressively stayed below the radar and had only been known to be peaceful, law-abiding, and loving (but cheap) 7-11 owners. As more and more groups are discriminated against, there is that many fewer opportunites to do an unjustice to blacks. Now, if we could only get a Mexican to do something, we'd be on our way to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY!!

Q. Where do you see yourself five years from now and what are you doing now to get there?

A. In five years from now, I see myself being a licensed architect practicing with my own firm on my own terms. Meaning, not limiting myself to strictly architecture, but being involved in many different aspects of design other than just architecture, i.e. furniture, web/computer graphic design of some sort, exhibition design, etc…) But most importantly, I hope that I’m not just taking work to pay the bills, but am in a position to do work that I’m truly passionate about with some sort of philosophical edge to it.

Q. Exactly which foot is my good foot, and how do I get on it??

A. You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you do the hokey pokey and you shake it all about. I’ve studied hours of historical James Brown concert footage and if you watch closely he is doing the Hokey Pokey at quadruple speed. You won’t catch it watching in normal time, but if you watch in slow motion, you can decipher a remixed version of this popular childhood barmitsva dance. He throws the splits in there as not to give it all away. Now don't think because you know the secret that you will now be able to get on the good foot. The good foot is not always the right foot, there are many factors which contribute to one's ability to actually BE on the good foot. Proper diet, exercise, and rest are all key ! physical components to being able to accomplish being on the good foot. The intangible aspects include hot pants, the ability to pass the peas, and a companion who causes you enough pain that you occasionally wail "Please, Please, Please, Please" or "Baby, Baby, Baby". The intangibles are even more important than something as obvious as rhythm which not everyone has. However, even the most rhythm-less person when pushed to the brink may find themselves geting on their good foot. James Brown was a very special brotha. He had the almost immaculate ability to get on and off of the good foot at a moments notice. Don't expect to be able to pre-meditate when you are or aren't on the good foot. Only James had the ability to do this.


bored with the same shit

Hung out w/ the bald girl last night. I cooked salmon cakes, we bathed in lukewarm water. I didn't plan on her spending the night though. I tried to pull the whole, "Well, it looks like it's my bedtime" thing, but she didn't get it. Instead she jumps into the bed and pulls up the covers, at that point it was too late to have her leave.
Why is it that women say the craziest shit to you when they're laying in bed half asleep? This is the moment when their guard is let down and they feel like being honest and discussing 'serious stuff'. For me, this is the moment when I act a fool because they'll usually take whatever I'm saying seriously. If that's not a great oxymoron.............
Well, not as great as 'jumbo shrimp' or 'ice water' or 'civil war' or 'pretty ugly'....... how about 'krispy kreme', 'true lies', random patterns', 'biggie smalls'..... or 'classy bitch'..............
okay, I don't have shit to write. I have an idea for the next chronicles that I'll need your help with. EVERYONE send me a personal question. I'll keep the person who sends the question in anonymous, but answer everyone's question. Ask whatever you want. Send 2, 3, 9 questions... I don't care. I need some new material.
CD of the moment: Jaguar Wright


Lionel Richie is gone

Rent is due today and I forgot to write the check for no apparent reason. If I have to pay $25 I'll be pissed.

So Lionel’s finally gone. I guess he took my one week ultimatum to heart. He left on Saturday morning. I kinda felt bad, but it felt good to lay out on the couch in my underwear and not have to worry about sharing it with anyone. My brother doesn’t count. His ass can sit on the floor. His goodwill gesture when he left was an offer to have him sing at my wedding for free if I ever get married…………………………… yeah right dude, I can’t wait to kick you out my house, but somewhere 3-5 years from now I’m going to call you out the blue and ask you to sing at my wedding? WTF was he thinking??!!! I don’t even know if! the boy can sing!!

Apparently he went to stay with someone else which in my opinion he could’ve done weeks ago, but I guess he figured he would stay until we asked him to leave. Triflin’ ass.

I had to go to a funeral on Saturday morning. It was my grandfather’s ‘sister’, but she had a different last name. You know how there are always people at your family reunion that are either there every year, or are there only once and you’re not ever sure how you are related…. Then your great aunt or something says, “This is your cousin!” Every time I go over to my aunt’s house I meet a new cousin!

At the funeral I couldn’t help but notice that all of the people I KNOW are family were sitting in the back off to the left while all the people I had never seen in my life were sitting in the ‘immediate family’ section up front on the right. So being the inquisitive person I am I ask, “Who are all of those people and why aren’t we sitting up there? I thought this was grandpa’s sister?” So my aunt so graciously says to me, “Well, let’s just say that your great grandfather was a ‘rolling stone’”

Oooo KAY!!! So I left that one alone. It was good to see my ‘real’ cousins though.

I went to both Prince concerts this weekend, Saturday & Sunday. As much as I love Prince, and I do really love Prince, all the way back to Controversy… if you’re going to put your show forth as the ‘Rainbow Children’ show (that’s the name of the new album), then either explain the concept better and go all the way with it musically or do the hits show. The new album is VERY jazzy, with some prince funk thrown into the mix. The show started off jazzy and rather tame by live prince standards, but it was absolutely amazing. We could’ve been in some small smoky jazz club somewhere in an alley. He didn’t even touch the mike until about 20-30 minutes into the show.

People were mad, people wanted to hear the hits and when his first words were, “How many people came to hear Purple Rain?” ….lots of cheers then he said, “This is not that type of party. It is 2002, not 1984, y’all might as well go home now!” I get hyped thinking I’m finally going to see Prince being Prince and doing whatever the hell he wants. But he ended up settling and did eventually cater to the crowd. I guess you have to do that since people pay $125 a seat.

He made a speech about how bad the radio is, then did his version of what his radio station would sound like and he played “Starfish and Coffee”, “Love Rollercoaster” by the Ohio Players, “Didn’t Cha Know” by Erykah Badu, “Soul Sacrifice” by Santana, and a Stevie Wonder track whose name slips me at the moment. It was really unbelievable.

Obscure references to the scriptures aside, which taken out of context appear muddled and confusing, his balance of race, sex, politics, romance, God, and love do actually represent the balance that most people I know try to cope with since I don’t know many preachers, and they probably deal with the same issues. So instead of presenting himself as a Godlike rockstar which he has done in the past, he was much more cool, talking to audience members, bringing the ushers on stage to dance, etc… then I’ve seen him in the past.

No DAT’s no backup singers, a stellar band that included James Brown’s horn player, the incredible Maceo Parker made the musicianship amazing as usual and reminded me why after all these years, I’ve stuck with Prince. If he would eliminate all the weirdness like the name change and record contract stuff and just focus on the music, people would see that he is truly one of the greatest musicians of all time. For real.

I still have NEVER seen anyone who can do Blues, Rock, Funk, Jazz, R&B, Ballads, Ragtime, Classical Piano and even a bit of Opera all in three hours and pull every single genre off successfully. If you get the chance, run, don’t walk to get tickets to this show when it comes to your town.

Maybe I should quit my job and become a music critic huh?


CD of the moment: Prince – “Lovesexy”