
more, on being black by YOU

big meeting is tomorrow, I'll let you all know how it went.  Thanks a

lot for all of the comments and support. It's not like I don't know this
shit exists or know how to handle it, it simply serves as good life
experience to write about, talk about, bring to the attention of others and
make people think about how they would handle the same situation. More than
anything, I hope that by sharing how others feel about the situation, it can
show you (as it showed me), these things happen to a lot of people and
everyone handles and/or approaches the situation differently. Here are some
of the replies I received on this one....

CD of the moment: Giles Peterson - "Worldwide Programme 3"

Hmmmm, a tricky task. I'd say you have to use what you have to rise to the
top. And if that means you have to use your expertise at being black then so
be it. I think that the good ole boy network is in existence and although
the world is changing some things will always be the same. (At least in our
lives) SO put your best black face forward and "tap dance" until the project
is won by your firm.
What little minds there are in this world.

I think it's a question of what you feel comfortable doing. Will not going
affect your position in the firm (though you're trying to move forward)? If
so, then go. But make everyone aware that you are being brought into the
meeting at the last minute--make this situation benefit YOU. Who knows what
connections the other folks in the room may have... It's definitely WRONG of
your boss to approach you in that manner. And adding about 'catering to the
client' is crap. It's insulting and makes the firm look racist as a whole.
So be sure to come out on top whatever you decide. Don't let someone else's
ignorance fall on you my friend :)
After the okie doke. . . Hit em' with the rope a dope. Go to the meeting do
your thing and throw a spin on it which puts your boss in a corner and let
them have. Be subtle of course, but weave into the presentation how you
found out why you were chosen at the last minute. Your boss is left dazed
and confused and you are able to exact some form of revenge for your years
of neglect.

You may want another job lined up after that. . . I'll let you handle the
mundane details of course.

Curt, you are going to have to stick it to them before you go. If not for
you then for MLK, Malcolm X, Crispus Attucks, Amadou Diallo, Medgar Evers,
Prince Jones, Rodney King, Jackie Robinson, and the first African who told
the slave trappers "Fuck you, you fuckin fuck", "I ain't goin no
mutha-fuckin place on anybody's mutha-fuckin boat bitch".
you've already committed yourself to presenting this project so I would go.
Once you are done, you politely get into a conversation of how you felt it
was inappropriate and in the future to not include you on presentations that
you were never involved. You can talk to this guy about this situation
without making waves, but I would make waves.

It depends on how much you want to flex your muscles. Do they need you more
than you need them? Are you willing to ask them to prove it? For lack of a
better phrase, are you ready to put your dick on the table? I think you are.

They are using you, your skin color, and most importantly, your HU (read
black) degree. (They probably won't even bother to mention where you went to
grad school.) Let them use you. Let them use you like a $2 crack ho.
Emphasize how much of a team player you are. Find out as much as you can
about the client guy so that you'll dazzle the rest of team with your
ability to impress the client.

What do you want in return? More challenging, more high-profile project
assignments? A better cube/desk? A promotion? A raise? (Be careful. Raises
are difficult to get in these situations because it makes the employer feel
like it's a bribe.)

I would shoot for a slight promotion. Nothing too visible to make the
non-union (read anybody who isn't black) employees feel nervous. You don't
want a showy move to the next level. You just want to move into a position
with access to better projects and a slightly better salary. Emphasis on the
projects, so they won't feel like they're being bribed. But the money is a

If you think they might have the balls to counter with a threat to fire you,
consult an employment attorney in your area. Have an attorney in your back
pocket before you make your move. Need to know how to find an employment law
attorney? Look in the local newspaper archives for stories of recent
lawsuits. Contact the winning attorney in the cases. Try to have a
consultation before you make your move.
Oh, i can't begin 2 tell u just how many times i've been in this situation
in MY white agency i call a job.. I usuallly go w/ much attitude but when i
get there show them mo'fos why i'm paid as much as i am and why i'm so damn
good despite being black, and woman, letting them know that hey.. i know my
shit, no matter what color and gender i am.. take that.shit (that's normally
the expression on my face and i know this) ..sometimes unfortunately u're
just gonna have to go and suck it up but while u're there.. let yo shit
SHINE like the northern star...and let them know u're not only there cuz
u're a brotha but u're a brotha who got his shit together.. Now, make sure u
wear a really nice Armani suit and u're looking so good when u walk down the
streets of Chitown.. a photographers gonna want 2 take yo photo for Code
Magazine..Wear that confidence that all brotha have and just handle yo
bizness cause when it's all over.. u still gotta work w/ those racist ass
white folks..and they still help u pay the bills..

well.....now your job has definitely been confirmed to have issues. i
understand his point from a management perspective but at the same time, i'd
be concerned that that is the only reason why he asked you to be involved.
how does he really feel about you and "your talent"? why weren't you asked
in the beginning? are others more skilled or more experienced that are on
the project? if not, and you are getting screwed from participating in other
projects, i would think that it is appropriate to confront your boss (me not
knowing if he can have a rational professional conversation) about your
desire to move forward and get more involved, etc.....otherwise maybe you
need to find a firm that more closely matches your personality, design
influence, and general atmosphere that promotes learning and growth. you may
even have to relocate to find this.......

Even the actors who played Amos and Andy paved the way for future
generations. Just do the best you can, don't forget who you are and what
you're about and make them pay later.
Curt, do the dance they want you to do. At the same time take the
opportunity To introduce yourself personally to the client. More than likely
He's been where your at right now, he's been the token, he knows the game.
Maybe go as far as to ask the guy for a lunch date, to get inside his head.
At the same time don't overshadow your boss, white folks are extremely
Sensitive to anyone stepping on there toes.
what to do next will strongly depend on what you want. do you wnat to stay
at the job? do you want to stay in chicago? are you ready to go out on your
own? when are you ready to go out on your own?
the reason i say that is because this can easily be turned to your
advantage. if you are eager to go out on your own in a year or two, then let
these crackers talk you up. let them shower you with accolades.

If possible, talk more with your boss to see how much he is gonna give you
props, and how much he will let you in on this project, probably your boss
will just want you to sit behind him while he and his team talk it up, but
if you talk to your boss and somehow get it across to him that 'we black
folk' can get offended if we see beyond the facade of bringing in the 2
black folk that work for the company just to sit in the room because he's
black, you may be able to get more info about the project then he would be
otherwise willing to share.

the next move depends on 'shaft of the architecture world'. all he would
need to do is ask you a question.......any question. any self-respecting,
race-card caryying, member of teh african-american race would be wondering
if the two black faces represented 100% of the companies minority staff. if
he had any balls what so ever he would have to ask the black guys a question
to see if they are really on board with this project, or if it is what it
is.........a desperate pitiful attempt to use us for money. you know you can
also prompt a question by putting on the occasional perplexed look like,
"really, i had no idea that wall was going there".

now here comes the tough part, when that question comes, it will be
something basic about the project, but also a chance to let your wit
through. because if you can get him to have a reserved laugh, you are
golden. don't say some dumb shit though that will make him crack up, but
think of you as a joker, because then he won't blame the crackers for not
giving you more of a part the project.

you can do it man, i'm sure i haven't told you anything you don't know. i
gotta roll out man, i holla later.
i think if this is the route you go, with the goal of getting business from
this black guy in the future you need to know all the facts, but i'm sure
you know if you play this wrong this could seriously backfire............

As far as a moral call, I'm not going to make one yet, but I do know that a
lot of different people are asked to participate in certain ways, to relate
with future clients. When putting a team together, one wants to relate to
the prospect. I know for example, that in the past with Asian prospects, we
may send someone from that area of the world, good 'ol' boy clients ...we'll
send someone like that, Jewish clients well we'd send them if we could, but
we're looking to hire someone.... J/K not really.

I know this is a personal issue for you and I think some times you may be
over sensitive.. and rightfully so. I think you're right, that is exactly
why they are asking you, because you're a good face person.

I think you're the only one who can make a moral judgment as to what goes on
in your group and how you are treated as a result. I think you need to make
a stand one way or the other on that moral judgment.

You are apart of the machine or you're not.

If you support the organization, think they have good intentions, and want
your face and name associated with this machine, GO, sell it, and work with

If you don't support this approach, feel that you are being treated unjustly
and that there is a race card being played against you, don't go, and handle
the situation accordingly.

"Measure a man not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy."


on: ass games, by YOU

I had to share.  Some of you had me rolling with your response to my little

rant on ass pleasure.

Here ya go.



You my man 50-grand and all, but did I read you correctly? Did you just send
me a how-to on sticking my finger in a man's ass? While I am very well aware
of the merits of the P-spot, couldn't the goal be accomplished with a
delicate, petite dildo or vibrator?

I need to take valium before I handle raw chicken. Imagine how medicated
(read Grey Goose) I'd have to be in order to handle .....
this is not news to me :-)
by the way, i don't think any of my fingers are 3 inches long, so whatever
dude is talking about, he's either been with some women with "man hands" or
his ass is gay.
so is the next chronicle gonna be about cock rings? what about nipple
let em aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll see how freaky
you are :-0

...................................well, at least those of us who don't
already know..........................


you know, now you've got me sitting here thinking about sex. (not that i
don't usually think about it) but anyway, specifically i'm thinking about
how sex is such a beautiful thing. i need to start having it more often. i'm
making that my august 20th, 2003 resolution. sex on a regular basis. it's
just necessary, you know?


I hear you Curt. The brother's be fronting like they don't like it, but let
a woman start to lick and suck and they'll be begging for more.. hahahahaha
I agree from what I've seen, the stubborn brothers that are not down are
just missing out on a wonderful good time. Their Loss!

Oh, so in order to keep my man from feeling as if he's journeying into "gay
territory", I'm supposed to take my finger into shit territory? Seeking
pleasure shouldn't make a guy feel gay-ish, should it?

Oh yeah, and as far as a woman playin' with a guy's ass, I've done it with
my ex-boyfriend and he loooooved it but was afraid to admit it to any of his
friends because he thought that they would think something was wrong with
him. Once I explained to him that it is the male "G-Spot" he felt better.
Anyway, more men should experience it and admit to its pleasure without
thinking that they are gay. Good for you!


just please trim those ass hairs and WASH properly. There are tones of
stories about men and their poop balls dangling from their ass hairs.


I'm an expert at being black

So one of the bosses comes by around 3pm and says, "Can I talk to you for a
I go over to his desk and he starts telling me all about this big
presentation that he wants me to be involved in for a project we're going
after. Explains the entire project to me and asks if I'd like to be

I'm feeling a little suspect because the asian contingent have been working
on this proposal for about 3 weeks now, then all of a sudden I'm being asked
to come to a presentation to present something I have no idea about. I say,
"Sure" and he says he'll pick me up at 6:30am the next day etc.... If it was
left at that, I wouldn't have known anything was up.

But since I have some facetime with the boss, I decide to shoot the shit for
a bit, talk about how important this project would be for the office, blah
blah blah...

Then I decided to utilize a trick my father taught me, by giving him an
opportunity to say good things about me. I ask, "So what made you want me to
be involved at the last minute?"

He goes into this whole speech about how talented I am, blah blah, blah.
THEN drops the bomb on me. "It is important that we show this client that we
have a diverse staff" and shows me who we're presenting to and the main
decision maker is a black man.

Then, thinking that he 'gets it' humbly states how fucked up it is that we
have to cater to our clients and bring along experts in specific things that
will make the client believe that we are perfect for them regardless of
whether or not we are.

I guess I'm an expert at being black and that is why I'm being asked to
speak at the presentation.

I got okie doked and I'm pissed. Because he knew if he would've asked me to
come be black, I would've said no.

Presentation was cancelled until next week, I'm contemplating my next
move...... what would you do?


CD of the moment: Verve Remixed 2


on: masturbation

pulled this off of the news......

"LONDON - Frequent masturbation, particularly in the 20s, helps prevent
prostate cancer later in life, according to new research. Australian
scientists have shown that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20
and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease that kills more than
half a million men each year.

They suspect that frequent ejaculation has a protective effect against the
cancer because it prevents dangerous carcinogens from building up in the
gland. "The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around
and damage the cells that line them," Graham Giles, of the Cancer Council
Victoria in Melbourne, told New Scientist magazine on Wednesday.

In a survey of 1,079 prostate cancer patients and 1,259 healthy men, Giles
and his team discovered that men who ejaculated more than five times a week
in their 20s were a third less likely to develop an aggressive form of the
disease. "

see! jocelyn elders was right! Spank that monkey!

on another note, my friend Mimi is reading a book about the mating and
reproductive habits of other species, and she forwarded me some of the more
interesting ones, which i, in turn, will now pass on to you to read, as I
complete this very long run-on sentence, thank you very much:

"There is a species of worm where the male is 200,000x smaller than the
female and he insemenates her by being inhaled through her nose.

There is a kind of squid where the male dislodges his penis and projects the
whole thing into the side of the female and it becomes a part or her body.

In Japanese Macaques (monkeys) the males and females will fight to have sex
with a particularly sultry female, and the females masturbate themselves
with their tails.

Oragutans make sex toys out of leaves and branches.

Sand sharks have intrauterine cannibalism where one fetus will eat his
brothers and sisters in utero.

Spiders have one penis on each side of his mouth

Marine iguanas masturbate themselves whenever a female passes by so that
they are closer to ejaculation if they happen to get a chance to mate.
Apparently they will notoriously knock each other off while mating so the
quicker a male deposits his genetic material the more likely he is to
fertilize the eggs and so they've evolved to masturbate.

One fly, called a midge, liquifies her mate's innards and sucks him dry
while they mate - sex and a meal in one."

so the next time that you find yourself despairing about sex and romance
among us humans (and yes, it is grammatically correct to say 'us humans' in
this sentence) just be glad that you're not a liquified male midge fly.


CD of the moment - Dubtribe Sound System - "Baggage"


Who is Curtis?

So, who is Curtis?

I’ll tell you.

Curtis wrote all the messages in fortune cookies
Curtis won a BET award for best video
Curtis defeated all of the Iron Chefs
Curtis sings Duran Duran in his sleep
Curtis is the keymaster
Curtis is the reason for the season
Curtis fu*ked every female from A Different World
Curtis sheds skin once a year
Curtis is the best thing since sliced bread
Curtis stole the cookie from the cookie jar
Curtis is “the man”
Curtis loves the hoes
Curtis knows the hoes love him back
Curtis can walk on water
Curtis loves it when you call him ‘big pa-pa’
Curtis will be a new crayola crayon color
Curtis dials 1-800-CALL-ATT
Curtis loves plain ballpark hot dogs
Curtis is broke. always.
Curtis won’t donate his stem cells
Curtis has never had a jheri curl
Curtis will win the CA recall election
Curtis created cotton candy
Curtis broke up SWV
Curtis version 4.3 is now available
Curtis is made with no MSG
Curtis can pop lock
Curtis occasionally gives money to the homeless
Curtis ignores the homeless most of the time though
Curtis never flinches
Curtis sips Crystal with Rosa Parks
Curtis loves broccoli, but hates the word broccoli
Curtis needs a new muffler on his car
Curtis fixed the ’03 blackout with a rubber band
Curtis kicks people in the chest real hard
Curtis is the only word that rhymes with orange
Curtis handed Bill Clinton the cigar
Curtis misses the light brown colored M&M’s
Curtis spelled backwards is sitruC
Curtis eats rocks for breakfast and shits concrete
Curtis loves disco
Curtis never lost at Operation. Never.
Curtis can’t swim very well
Curtis funked up your bathroom on the way out
Curtis ate the last piece of chicken
Curtis never orders chicken in restaurants
Curtis is forever.

now you know.


CD of the moment: Goapele


on: prostate stimulation

I'm going to get a little down and dirty with this one.... I've been absent

for awhile so for my return it's going to be like BAM!!! Where the fuck has
he been??? and What the fuck has he been doing??? Nah, it aint' like that,
but I've been wanting to breach this subject for a long minute, just haven't
been able to put together the right words, so.... I'm just going to use
someone else's.

The following is a post from okayplayer.com (the Roots website) that I
thought I would share with you:


"For those who want to learn.

Enlightened men understand that prostate stimulation is intensely
pleasurable (the prostate has sometimes been called the “P-Spot” to draw a
parallel with women’s “G-Spot”), and those men overwhelmingly prefer
prostate stimulation by the person they find sexually attractive. A straight
man wouldn’t find having his prostate stimulated by another man any more
appealing than a gay man would find having his prostate stimulated by a
woman. Orgasm aided by prostate stimulation is said to be mind-blowing and
unparalleled in its intensity.

So, what is this area of supreme manly ecstasy? The prostate gland, or
“P-Spot,” which is stimulated through anal penetration. In fact, men get two
bonus features from anal stimulation. As well as the P-Spot, the bulb of the
penis can be caressed via the anus, which some men have described as feeling
like masturbating from inside. Who would turn that down?

Studies range in their findings, but the 1990 Kinsey New Report on Sex found
that only 50 – 60% of gay men had tried anal sex and only about 30% of them
practiced it regularly. On the other hand, the results of five recent
surveys indicate that 20 – 45% of women regularly practice anal sex. Did you
see that statistic? Only about 30% of gay men engage in anal sex regularly.
On the other hand, virtually ALL gay men engage in fellatio (giving or
receiving). Why is it that we never ask whether a straight man who likes
blow jobs is really gay?

How To:
To stimulate his prostate, insert a finger about three inches into his anus
and rectum and gently massage by moving your finger in the direction of his
navel. Don’t poke. Just stroke it gently. You may not be able to
differentiate the prostate, especially during early arousal stages, or you
may be able to feel something like a walnut sized piece of gristle. Gently
explore and massage. And don’t ignore his penis. Try every variation –
P-Spot stimulation during a blow job, while stroking his dick with your
other hand, and during intercourse. Ladies: Remember to use the same
preparation and gentleness that you want him to use when sticking a finger
in your ass. Gentlemen: Feedback is essential. Let her know where and when
it feels good."







I'm a proud heterosexual man...... I can do this......


I am proclaiming to the world that I like it whenever a WOMAN plays with my

When approached as an extension of head, the feeling from having your ass
licked is a beautiful thing. But, when she starts trying to put that finger
in, my ass behaves like a guillotine. However, I can with all the
masculinity I have admit that I enjoy a little fondling of my shit hole.
Especially, as mentioned above, during a blow job.... that shit is fucking
tits. BUT, for me, it's gotta be done by a woman.

Babble away, but I’m not going to engage in argument on this subject. I
won't allow the penetration, but I can see how it would feel good. Suffice
it to say that anyone who thinks, in the face of factual evidence to the
contrary, that any man who likes anal games is gay on the DL is stubbornly
ignorant. And I'm sorry that you are missing out.


CD of the moment: Radiohead: "OK Computer" (not Annie Lennox)

on: prostate stimulation

I'm going to get a little down and dirty with this one.... I've been absent

for awhile so for my return it's going to be like BAM!!! Where the fuck has
he been??? and What the fuck has he been doing??? Nah, it aint' like that,
but I've been wanting to breach this subject for a long minute, just haven't
been able to put together the right words, so.... I'm just going to use
someone else's.

The following is a post from okayplayer.com (the Roots website) that I
thought I would share with you:


"For those who want to learn.

Enlightened men understand that prostate stimulation is intensely
pleasurable (the prostate has sometimes been called the “P-Spot” to draw a
parallel with women’s “G-Spot”), and those men overwhelmingly prefer
prostate stimulation by the person they find sexually attractive. A straight
man wouldn’t find having his prostate stimulated by another man any more
appealing than a gay man would find having his prostate stimulated by a
woman. Orgasm aided by prostate stimulation is said to be mind-blowing and
unparalleled in its intensity.

So, what is this area of supreme manly ecstasy? The prostate gland, or
“P-Spot,” which is stimulated through anal penetration. In fact, men get two
bonus features from anal stimulation. As well as the P-Spot, the bulb of the
penis can be caressed via the anus, which some men have described as feeling
like masturbating from inside. Who would turn that down?

Studies range in their findings, but the 1990 Kinsey New Report on Sex found
that only 50 – 60% of gay men had tried anal sex and only about 30% of them
practiced it regularly. On the other hand, the results of five recent
surveys indicate that 20 – 45% of women regularly practice anal sex. Did you
see that statistic? Only about 30% of gay men engage in anal sex regularly.
On the other hand, virtually ALL gay men engage in fellatio (giving or
receiving). Why is it that we never ask whether a straight man who likes
blow jobs is really gay?

How To:
To stimulate his prostate, insert a finger about three inches into his anus
and rectum and gently massage by moving your finger in the direction of his
navel. Don’t poke. Just stroke it gently. You may not be able to
differentiate the prostate, especially during early arousal stages, or you
may be able to feel something like a walnut sized piece of gristle. Gently
explore and massage. And don’t ignore his penis. Try every variation –
P-Spot stimulation during a blow job, while stroking his dick with your
other hand, and during intercourse. Ladies: Remember to use the same
preparation and gentleness that you want him to use when sticking a finger
in your ass. Gentlemen: Feedback is essential. Let her know where and when
it feels good."







I'm a proud heterosexual man...... I can do this......


I am proclaiming to the world that I like it whenever a WOMAN plays with my

When approached as an extension of head, the feeling from having your ass
licked is a beautiful thing. But, when she starts trying to put that finger
in, my ass behaves like a guillotine. However, I can with all the
masculinity I have admit that I enjoy a little fondling of my shit hole.
Especially, as mentioned above, during a blow job.... that shit is fucking
tits. BUT, for me, it's gotta be done by a woman.

Babble away, but I’m not going to engage in argument on this subject. I
won't allow the penetration, but I can see how it would feel good. Suffice
it to say that anyone who thinks, in the face of factual evidence to the
contrary, that any man who likes anal games is gay on the DL is stubbornly
ignorant. And I'm sorry that you are missing out.


CD of the moment: Radiohead: "OK Computer" (not Annie Lennox)

on: prostate stimulation

I'm going to get a little down and dirty with this one.... I've been absent

for awhile so for my return it's going to be like BAM!!! Where the fuck has
he been??? and What the fuck has he been doing??? Nah, it aint' like that,
but I've been wanting to breach this subject for a long minute, just haven't
been able to put together the right words, so.... I'm just going to use
someone else's.

The following is a post from okayplayer.com (the Roots website) that I
thought I would share with you:


"For those who want to learn.

Enlightened men understand that prostate stimulation is intensely
pleasurable (the prostate has sometimes been called the “P-Spot” to draw a
parallel with women’s “G-Spot”), and those men overwhelmingly prefer
prostate stimulation by the person they find sexually attractive. A straight
man wouldn’t find having his prostate stimulated by another man any more
appealing than a gay man would find having his prostate stimulated by a
woman. Orgasm aided by prostate stimulation is said to be mind-blowing and
unparalleled in its intensity.

So, what is this area of supreme manly ecstasy? The prostate gland, or
“P-Spot,” which is stimulated through anal penetration. In fact, men get two
bonus features from anal stimulation. As well as the P-Spot, the bulb of the
penis can be caressed via the anus, which some men have described as feeling
like masturbating from inside. Who would turn that down?

Studies range in their findings, but the 1990 Kinsey New Report on Sex found
that only 50 – 60% of gay men had tried anal sex and only about 30% of them
practiced it regularly. On the other hand, the results of five recent
surveys indicate that 20 – 45% of women regularly practice anal sex. Did you
see that statistic? Only about 30% of gay men engage in anal sex regularly.
On the other hand, virtually ALL gay men engage in fellatio (giving or
receiving). Why is it that we never ask whether a straight man who likes
blow jobs is really gay?

How To:
To stimulate his prostate, insert a finger about three inches into his anus
and rectum and gently massage by moving your finger in the direction of his
navel. Don’t poke. Just stroke it gently. You may not be able to
differentiate the prostate, especially during early arousal stages, or you
may be able to feel something like a walnut sized piece of gristle. Gently
explore and massage. And don’t ignore his penis. Try every variation –
P-Spot stimulation during a blow job, while stroking his dick with your
other hand, and during intercourse. Ladies: Remember to use the same
preparation and gentleness that you want him to use when sticking a finger
in your ass. Gentlemen: Feedback is essential. Let her know where and when
it feels good."







I'm a proud heterosexual man...... I can do this......


I am proclaiming to the world that I like it whenever a WOMAN plays with my

When approached as an extension of head, the feeling from having your ass
licked is a beautiful thing. But, when she starts trying to put that finger
in, my ass behaves like a guillotine. However, I can with all the
masculinity I have admit that I enjoy a little fondling of my shit hole.
Especially, as mentioned above, during a blow job.... that shit is fucking
tits. BUT, for me, it's gotta be done by a woman.

Babble away, but I’m not going to engage in argument on this subject. I
won't allow the penetration, but I can see how it would feel good. Suffice
it to say that anyone who thinks, in the face of factual evidence to the
contrary, that any man who likes anal games is gay on the DL is stubbornly
ignorant. And I'm sorry that you are missing out.


CD of the moment: Radiohead: "OK Computer" (not Annie Lennox)


Public Service Announcement


More than likely, all of your male friends want to fuck you. At least once,
just to see.

that is all.


CD of the moment: Jaga Jazzist - "The Stix"

Public Service Announcement


More than likely, all of your male friends want to fu*k you. At least once,
just to see.

that is all.


CD of the moment: Jaga Jazzist - "The Stix"