
follow the wave

Everything happens for a reason.  I always believed it, but I'm truly seeing it

all in action right now

brother gets engaged
curt decides to look for a place to buy
curt can't afford to rent for another whole year so curt won't renew his lease
landlord tells curt to kiss his ass
curt has to be out by August 1
house buying doesn't work out too well
curt has to put all his things in storage
curt's project at work is coming to a close and is unsure of what he'll be
working on next
curt gets a call for the possiblity of a job in response to a letter he sent
way back in January
curt is homeless
curt reaches out to friends and family who take him in
curt reaches out to friends in DC to tell what he is thinking
everyone tells curt, "Come on out, we got your back."
since all curt has is his clothes, his golf clubs, and his favorite records,
curt quits his job
Jan in the human resources department cries
job lead in DC is not final but may begin as quickly as in two weeks.
so curt is going to go spend a week with his parents, then drive his car load of
stuff to DC to find employment to supplement this great part-time opportunity
(if it happens)

but it's not just me... I know many people who are entering a time of

Folks are getting married, having babies, moving out, getting
divoriced, changing jobs, changing cities, changing countries, buying a house,
changing careers, and there is obviously something in the stars that's making it
all happen. You can either fight the wave and let it bring you down or go with
the wave and see where it takes you.

Since I've started flowing with the wave,
everything has become extremely right. Everyone who I have reached out to
has said they would help me in anyway they could in the most unselfish of ways.
So as I take the big plunge into the unknown please keep me in your thoughts
and prayers. Not sure how quickly the chronicles will come in the next few
weeks so continue to buy good music and let life take you where it wants to.


Getting spanked at Galaga

Galaga was my shit back in the day.  You know, the pinnacle of space

invaders type games, where you shoot the flying birds, bumblebees and shit.
I used to play the hell out of that game. I even knew where the one was in
the city where you could just hold the button down the whole time without
hitting it over and over again, so you would have like an automatic machine
gun. I had played it so much that i knew which side of the screen the next
things were going to fly in from.

I was the shit at Galaga.

So I'm out at the movies and while I'm standing in line for the concession
stand, she starts playing a game of Galaga. I'm like damn, "it must be a
connection from above." So she says, "hey, you wanna play a game?" I look
at her and say are you sure you want to play this one? .... my shit?.... and
she's like "sure, why not".

She says, "I used to love this game!!" I was like "Are you sure you want to
play this? because I'll just kick your ass and it won't be any fun for you."
I was still trying to determine if I should let her win or really spank
her to show her that not only am I a great guy, but I'm good at Galaga too.
So she makes me start off, "to make sure I remember how to play...." Once
she started talking a little shit, no matter how little she was playing
around, I went into "It's on!" mode and the I must win attitude in me just
took over.

So I start off, was picked up by the super hawk rays where they take your
ship away and then when you shoot the hawk in motion, you get a double
guy.. double the fire power and virtually guaranteed perfect score during
the 'challenging stages'.. So I'm moving along kicking ass, then she goes,
"You're about to die."

not but two seconds later..... I die and it's her turn...

At this point, I still hadn't seen everything that had previously played
out.. the fact she just happen to be playing Galaga, the you go ahead
and go first, the way I saw her aimlessly die as I approached her
playing, the "aww damn" sorrow she expressed like she just couldn't do
it well....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was set the fuck up.

She KICKED MY ASS at Galaga. I mean she REALLY kicked my ass. I
played the first one off like I let her win to be nice, but I wouldn't be
so nice this time. At this point the competitive nature inside of me
was brewing and there was no way i was going to let her win this time...
So I get all serious and am really trying hard this time.

I'm hanging in there for a while, then she starts taking the lead again,
and then she starts talking shit... "Whatchoo got bitch?".... I was like
"What?" and she was like, "oh nevermind.".... then I started getting
angry and competitive and at this point, i was trying beat her. then I
lost another man, and as I watched her point total pass me and take
the lead, she kept talking shit!! "I told you not to fuck with me."
soooooooo................... I cheated.

I was so frustrated that I reached over and moved her joystick into the
missles so that she would lose a ship....

she looked at me in utter amazement and I didn't know what to do....
so I just looked at her and said, "what?"

.........and she STILL kicked my ass. I don't know what it was. But I
was really upset. I played it off like it was all fun in games but she
then to put the icing on the cake she said, "I'm sorry. I'll let you win
next time."

................... I just wanted to go home and go to bed. I'm going
to start going to the arcade and hanging out with the 9 year olds to get
my practice on.



homelessness isn't that bad

So being homeless isn't that bad thus far. There is not a whole bunch to worry about, except a new routine, which train am i getting on, etc..

It's the little things that a daily routine provide you with that get taken for granted. For example, I know when I get on the train to walk to the 2/3 point on the platform because that will let me off right in front of the exit that I go out of. Coming from a different direction on a different train just throws all that off.

I used to know that if I missed the 7:37 bus, another would come around 7:44, but if you miss that MF, then you usally have to wait until 8:08 when three buses in a row come. I swear these three drivers hang out at the station until the last possible moment, then they all leave together with no regard for the schedule.

I'm now out of the driver's range for my dope ass sushi delivery spot and my Italian spot that knows I get a Chicken calzone every time I call, so all that just throws you off a little bit.

With my stuff in storage, my project at work ending, and nothing really tying me down to Chicago, I've decided to plan my return to the East coast. I have some leads on some things, but nothing definite yet... The timing is just right. I know it. I feel the worst for my real estate agent. Her and her titties have been busting their ass to try to find me a place before I had to leave my apartment. So if anyone is looking for a home in the Chicago area, holla at ya boy because I know someone who is really good and will keep your best interests at heart.

On another note, I FINALLY went to a wedding this year that had alcohol!!!

It was by far, one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to in my life. Not to mention I was down for the count by 10pm. I think it was the sincere genuine nature of all the people involved. It could've also been all the tears. I think 2 out of 3 people who spoke at the reception and rehearsal dinner cried. But it's all good, it just goes to show how much two families care about the people involved and wish the best for them.

But I swear to God, if I hear the Cha-Cha slide at another fucking wedding I'm going to take the CD out of the CD player and smash it in half. I can't stand that shit. I mean, I REALLY can't stand that shit in the same way that I can't stand the way the hood embraces R. Kelley and Lil John. No I think I can't stand the Cha-Cha slide more than that. It's like cheating if you're a DJ to put that song on. And it is some corny Chicago shit!! As a general rule common black folks in Chicago are corny. I know it's hard for some people to accept, but they are. They're taste in fashion, music, language and vehicle accessorizing is mad niggerish. The Cha-Cha slide is the pinnacle of all this. It represents it all.


CD of the moment - .... my CD's are all packed away in storage and it's killing me...