
This sniper business

I wonder if white people gave a sigh of relief like when black people do
when we find out the person who did some repugnant shit is white? I know
when I found out it was a black guy I was like “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!”. I totally
get this from my mother. Whenever we would watch the news and some crazy
shit was happening, she would always rumble under her breath, “I hope it’s
white folks doing that crazy shit.” I know that’s why I’m thinking about
this in this way and in a sick and twisted way, I’m kinda disappointed that
he was caught so easily if it is him. All that work, to get caught sleeping
at a rest stop??

I'm saying, the cops didn't accuse him or charge him, didn't even name him,
yet Mr. Muhammad and a minor's name is all over the news. Ok, so it
"leaked". But this whole thing begs the question, do I honestly care more
that they are black than that the people doing this are caught? Or, would
it be better to be under the belief that the ‘white sniper’ is still out
there. I’m glad if this crazy is off of the streets, but on some sort of
larger scale, I wonder if I would rather have the latter.

The reason I say this is that already, people are saying and only seeing it
like this: Black + Muslim = Farrakhan = add the Nation of Islam and American
blacks to the axis of evil. It might be a stretch, but is it? What’s
next?? Bean pie crumbs in the backseat of the car??!! But actually, all of
the ‘I am God’ talk fits right in with the theories and philosophies of the
5%ers. So there you have your link to the NOI…..

First it’s Jesse Jackson and his love affairs, next it’s Al Sharpton and the
crack he bought in his pimp days on video... although it's 15 years late.
Now you have the government with their eyes on the NOI and the Five
Percenters?? There aren’t too many black groups or leaders to go after are

And I wonder if the 2 people arrested were white, with the same
circumstances, military background etc… then would it be another case of ‘he
had mental problems and lets blame it on his childhood.’

There is an interesting editorial on MSNBC’s website about how Bush didn’t
get involved because the NRA helps so many Republicans get elected, that he
couldn’t risk having their money and support pulled. …. Very interesting.

Now, why have a good number of the big domestic attacks are committed by
ex-military Persian-gulf vets? (Tim McVey et al) Everyone I know from the
military has some issues. Maybe this whole post-war counseling thing should
be taken more serious. Maybe it’s the whole preparing people to integrate
themselves back into society after they’ve been in the military for a while.

…….now look at ME!!!, I’m finding myself already convicting these men and
they haven’t even been in custody for 24 hours….

all the while, the US prepares to quietly take a war resolution to the UN
for a private vote while we're all wrapped up in this sniper business....

Damn shame…………………..


CD of the moment: Ron Trent - "Musical Reflections - Electro-funk-jazz:
past, present, future"


black people love us

"Sally's always saying: "You go girl!" while "raising the roof" to

mainstream hip-hop tracks at cheesy bars. That's fun! I relate to that."



future chronicle ideas..

Some random topics I want to cover in future chronicle writings..... feel

free to comment. I might listen to you..... or I might not, depending on my
mood and what it is you have to say. :)

- Black role models on a national level. Where are they? Who do we have?
Al Sharpton? Jesse? Farrakahn?

- Kids don't know shite. So why do we act like they do?

- The new Beck album. This cat is on some different shit.

- The state of black music today (or lack thereof)

- 'Racism' in the workplace and why no one else sees it except black folks.

- Being broke. The last 3 books I've read have been about becoming rich.
Now I have to figure out how to take the steps to get there.

- "Good" vs "Interesting"

- The sniper is a New Urbanist. They are making the statement that the
suburbs are no safer than the inner cities.

- Voter turnout, democracy, & protest. Does it matter? Then why does it
seem like Congress does whatever the fuck they want?

- Internet pop-up ads and why I hate them.

- Would having an MBA from Harvard really make a difference?

........ just a few of the things I've been thinking of writing about...


CD of the moment: "Red, Hot & Riot"


the man's foot on my neck

I was all set to write up a big thing about how black people are too damn

mad. I was walking down the street and all the black folks I saw were just
looking ANGRY. Mad at the world, chips on their shoulders, looking all
oppressed and shit. But then I start thinking, are black people really too
mad? Or are white people just too damn chipper?

I can't make up my mind.

I've been having these weird dreams about getting robbed. I hope it's not
some type of deja vu or some shit. I never have these thoughts when I'm
walking home cutting through alleys after dark on my way home from work,
just when I'm in the safe confines of my own home. Is it a reflection of
some sort of fear?? Fear of losing what I have (which isn't much.), fear of
some sort of physical abuse being afflicted upon me, fear of having to
cancel all my accounts, credit cards, etc... I'm not quite sure. I never
usually remember my dreams, so that makes this extra specially weird.

No one get shot by the sniper today, so that is a good thing. Maybe he/she
will just stop at 10 and call it a day. (and yes, I believe it might be a

This work shit has got to stop...... I need a plan that will allow me to
stop working in about 10 years. If anyone has any great ideas, let me know.
I'm thinking there has to be some sort of great mathmetician that has
figured out some sort of probability statistics for the lottery. If you
know of such a man, give me his number.

The CD I've been waiting for all year is coming out tomorrow, Red Hot &
Riot. It is a tribute to Fela Kuti by all SORTS of folks. If I ever highly
recommend a CD, this would be it.

These MF's around here want to pass a brotha up for the important tasks and
try to stick me with the stairs and shit, I'm about to make some waves
around here, because this shit can't become a habit. The boss is in
tomorrow, so he'll have to be the one to receive my wrath. I don't want to
make too much noise because bonus/raise time is right around the corner, but
these folks have got to KNOW!!! I am more than a stair and elevator guy, I
deserve better and won't accept anything less.

Sometimes I think they just do that shit without thinking... 'Hey let's give
the boring, production task to Curtis because he'll get it done fast and all
the design thinking tasks to these guys who are younger than him and have
less experience than him, yeah that makes sense.' .... my ass.



frequent flier miles

. so this MF was smoking a Swisher Sweet cigar on his smoke break…. (you

know the ones with the white plastic tips)… since when did cheap cigars from
Walgreens become the recreational smoke of choice?

… and did you hear that they turned down Snoop Dogg’s request to be on
Sesame Street? Apparently, they were all set to let him do it, then the
word got out and folks protested PBS and got their way.

… Who protests against PBS anyway??? I mean, Snoop is not #1 on the list of
people I’d like reading to my kids, but still…..

I signed up a year ago for this joint program between Spring long distance
and Northwest Airlines frequent flier miles and forgot about it. Well since
I’ve had the service for over a year they gave me 10,000 miles, plus I
received 5,000 6 months ago, and 5,000 when I first joined, AND 1 mile for
every dollar I’ve spent on long distance in the past year. So when I found
out yesterday I have enough miles for a free ticket I was pretty surprised.

The list of places for me to go is currently the following: Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil ; Buenos Aires, Argentina ; Switzerland ; Barcelona, Spain ; and
Peru. So I have to somehow come up with a way to choose. All of the south
America locations are pretty cheap once I get there, so it won’t be much
money out of my pocket. I’ve been to Spain and Switzerland, but want to go
back. I really need a vacation too, so this couldn’t have come at a better

If anyone has some vacation time coming and is interested in doing a little
globe-trotting, let me know.


CD of the moment: Djinji Brown – “Sirround Sound”


The world is crazy right now..

Crazy shit going on in the world:

-Snipers in MD / DC / VA killing whoever the hell they feel like.
-One of my best friend’s birthday presents was the death of his father.
-Another one of my best friends recently lost his grandfather.
-A guy I work with had one of his good friends die.
-My brother’s girlfriend has West Nile Virus (she’ll be all right though).
-I woke up this morning and it was 43 degrees outside (good ole Chicago)
-I’ve been at work for 11 hours on a Monday.
-No new ass in sight as I settle in to the idea of being celibate for a
-My brother hasn’t done the dishes in so long there is shit growing in the
sink (I don’t think he’s learning the lesson I’m trying to teach him on this
-I have a corn on my big toe, a pimple on my ass, and am in need of a root
-I’m stuck doing boring ass stair details at work on this project with 5
different stair types.
-and Bush is still trying to bomb the rest of the world up.

What the fuck is going on?


CD of the moment: “The Best of Donald Byrd”