
FYI: a few great movies are on DVD now...

Just in case you missed these, I want to recommend a few great movies that are out on DVD now:

Louis Kahn - "My Architect" Even if you're not into architecture I think you will enjoy this movie. Its a great story about a son who never knew his 'famous' father trying to learn about who is father was.

"Hero" w/ Jet Li - If you like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, you'll love Hero. A phenomenal movie that is gorgeously filmed. The use of color, music, all that..... comes together nicely. There's love, there's fighting, there's pain, there's suffering.... great movie.


CD of the moment: Reel People - "Second Guess" (this is actually the bonus CD which I want, because it has all the remixes... for some reason, the original is not available on Amazon?

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