
Negroes Don't Vote! - The Afterparty!!! 11/7!!!

Call me jaded. Call me nihilistic. Call me apathetic. And i know it is very wrong of me to make this assumption, so wrong and unfair, to assume the things i assume about my people from time to time, BUT I'd bet money that half of these folks that live across the street from me aren't going to vote today.

So I'm looking forward to the afterparty, everyone out on the front porch drinking malt liquor while the DirecTV tells the world about the Republican victory. There is going to be lots of good talk about how they "heard" about voting machine error, voter intimidation, butterfly punchcard ballots, diebold, and stolen elections... but did you get off your ass on vote?

I understand how voting in DC is kind of a waste of time, but there are some important positions like the school board president, ANC commissioners, etc... that are supposed to make a difference. With all the beuracracy that exists, you wonder if it really can though. But for all of these important senate races in MD, VA, MO, TN, black folks have got to get out to the polls!!!

I want you all to make someone feel guilty today, that's right, guilt folks into going to the polls. Hold their hand, walk them there, I don't care but get people out to vote.

Now I'm TOTALLY the pot calling the kettle black because I didn't vote. But not because I didn't want to, I'm having a mess of a time getting a DC drivers license / ID card so that I can transfer my car title, tags and insurance to my new address. It's been a freaking nightmare and in the process I missed the deadline to apply for registration. I know, I know. I'm pretty pissed about it so you don't have to rub it in. But hell, It's taken me 3 months to get a freaking SuperCan!! So I understand the apathy that exists after living here for many years in poverty that a freaking vote ain't going to change shit about your life... I get that, but breaking out the grill and cooking ribs in the front yard when it's 40 degrees while you and your neighbor trade spotter duties on his weight bench (also in the front yard), with the 6 year old running around in a T-shirt and snot running down his nose ain't really doing much to change shit either.

Did I tell you the one about my neighbor across the street that tried to rent me my own house?

I can't remember if i did or not, but she was sitting on her front porch not doing shit for a few hours while I was coming in and out of the house covered in dust from tearing up a wall or some shit, when she comes up to me and asks if she could come inside and see my house. I calmly told her no, to wait until I'm done and I'll be sure she gets an invite to the party. But she proceeds to tell me she's been wanting to rent one of these houses for a while, so I should rent it to her because she needs a 3 bedroom house for her and her 3 kids because this one bedroom apartment just isn't big enough...

I explain that I wouldn't have anywhere to live if I rented her my house. She then proceeded to give me a little bit of an attitude and said, "You mean to tell me you're gonna have all of this house all to yourself??!!! That's not fair!!! Why don't you rent me the house and I'll rent the basement out to you?...."


... I feel like I've told this story already no??? i'm too lazy to scan the chronicles to see if I typed it though..

I said, "So you're going to rent ME, the basement of MY house while you live in the top two floors.... does that sound like a deal I should accept to you?"

she said, ".... naw, i guess you're right. well when you're ready to rent to me, just let me know..."

I sure will... i sure will..


Anonymous said...

maybe instead of talking bad about your neighbors you could actually get involved in your community and be an advocate for change, start a voter registration drive, something...

or you could continue to do you and be the judgemental gentrifier...

Curtis said...

change comes from within..

I'll probably continue to be the judgemental gentrifier that i am...

thank you for your comment though!

Anonymous said...

Jaded, Nihilistic, Apathetic person. Dont say you didn't ask for it! But seriously i dont get how you could be seen as nihilistic by expressing the ironic truth... Well im not American anyway... and im too young to vote so.... this was pointless wasn't it?