
whew.... its all coming together..

... obviously on the tail end of all of this....

I think everything is going to work out... what an intense couple of weeks... i'm not sure where to start to explain it... I'm going to try to piece it all together while I'm on vacation.. here is my horoscope for the day which tells me that all of this is a universe thing....:

"The Full Moon on Saturday is relationship oriented, bringing a certain connection into full bloom. This can be an existing partnership, new love, a connection with a child or a parent, or, if you're really lucky, it can offer you a brand new connection with your Self. The pursuit of Self-Love is the only important undertaking in the world. If you're willing to stand alone, expressing authentically and openly all that you are, then you will attain peace and the rest of the world will be able to recognize you and love you the way you love you. You may feel as though you're light years away from this reality, but you're learning right now how to put your faith in yourself, aren't you? Look to that place where self-esteem matters more than anything else and start there. You're only a baby step away."

So enjoy your time here without me... I have to get away from the English language for a while.... it helps you step outside of yourself, when you throw yourself into an uncomfortable environment... well, not uncomfortable, but maybe just unfamiliar.... it forced you to come to grips with being on the outside, examine yourself and see how you fit into a different world....

I think this is what allows me to do a little more self-reflection when I'm away because you can no longer rely on the familiar, the bad habits, the bad influences, etc.... You have no other choice but to look at yourself because thats all you've got to work with... so whenever I come back from being away, it is with new perspective, new energy and new confidence it what the right way to move forward truly is...

lets hope everything I wrote is true!!


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