
Late night salt quantities

i have a penchant for McDonalds' french fries. it's the only thing I ever get from their menu... well occassionally I've purchased one of their salads which actually aren't that bad.

Is it me? or does the late night staff at most fast food establishments smother the food in all the "extra shit" moreso than the normal work day folks? I had a theory come to me last night that there may be a correlation between the economic status of people with their food eating habits which directly results in the late night staff (arguably the least desirable work shift) imposing poor eating habits on their customers. This directly relates to the fact that late at night the fries have LOTS of salt on them, the sandwiches have LOTS of mayonnaise, ketchup, etc...

Since the late night staff could be of a low economic status, with arguably poorer eating habits than their daytime counterparts, this directly results in late night salt quantities being larger than the salt quantities they would normally put on the fries during the day. Poor eating habits in poor communities stretches back to at least the slavery days when we were only allowed to have the most fattening and unwanted portions of the pig to eat and these habits have persisted with us over time and we can't quite seem to shake them.

It reminds of an article I recently read about how a current student decided to do the "black doll test" from the 1950's in 2006 and the results were basically the same. Why is that over 50 years later little black kids would still choose to play with the white doll because it is "good" and refuse to play with the black doll because it is "bad"? How does self-degredation impose itself into children at such a young age??? Likewise, poor eating habits in low economic communities is a problem which directly results in the high rates of cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease among minority communities...

As many of you know, it is damn expensive to eat healthy!! i tried to do my normal grocery shopping at whole foods / fresh fields (their all the same right?) once and i thought I was going to have to bag groceries for a few weeks to help pay for it all!! Now that I know where the DC farmer's market is, I go and get all my fresh fruit and vegetables there. I haven't tried out the butcher over there yet, but I plan too soon.. It's gotta be the best kept secret in DC. This is where many of the chefs in the city go and get their fresh produce for the day and it is completely open to the public.... better brush up on your spanish before you go though...

um.... and buy the new Amel Larrieux album. it's incredible..


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