
Farenheit 9/11

So I finally got Farenheit 911 yesterday. I thought it was good, but could've been better, but it wasn't until yesterday that I finally 'got it'. I was riding in an elevator with some coworkers. One said "I'm going to see f911 tonight" to which another responded, "Oh my god!!! that was a GRRRRRRRREEEEAT movie!"

I said something like, "I think that it was lacking in intellectual rigor" (you know I have to play smart for the people every once in a while) and tony the tiger person said, "Well, but it was a *documentary*..."

There was this pause.

Then I said, "uh, that's exactly why I was hoping it would be intellectually rigorous."

The whole thing was bizarre.

Then it dawned on me, this film wasn't made for the people who already knew most or all of the information in it, follows the news and the international websites, watches the BBC and so forth. I didn't really realize this up until that point. The movie was made for the highly emotional clusterfu*ks who can be moved solely through appealing to their emotions.

So, Michael Moore is no Stephen Spielberg, the master of being able to make you laugh or cry at exactly the moment he wants you to, but he comes pretty close.


CD of the moment - Cottonbelly - "NYC Sessions" <-- the man behind Sweetback & Sade, good stuff!

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