
Snowstorm, politics and stuff

I was supposed to do a preliminary punch list for the project I've been working on for a while, however mother nature decided to play a sick April Fool's Day joke on me and about 5 minutes into the meeting which is being held on site outside............ a FREAKIN' SNOWSTORM drops from the sky................. Are you kidding me??? It's now storming snow and the weather forcast (which was supposed to reach 50 today) has been 'updated' to say we are expecting 1-3 inches of snow...................... fucking Chicago....
This is the first part of a two (or three) part political rant. I started working on this question, then realized there is still a lot to cover, so I'll have to do this in a couple of parts. It isn't organized in any kinda way, it's just my scatterbrain commentary on the thought of being Republican.
CD of the moment: Lazy Dog, volume 2
Q. Would you ever consider becoming a Republican?
A. Very difficult question to answer. First of all, it is my belief that the two party system is a HUGE part of our government’s problem. People are not elected based on what they value or believe in anymore. They’re elected because of the party they belong to within a certain region that has led the people to believe that this particular party has their best interests at heart. (get that?) It’s utter bullshit to me.
Let me tell you what I LIKE about the Republican party and then give you the counterpoint as well.
First of all, the Republican’s push the belief that less taxes and government intervention in my life is good. From a selfish standpoint, how could I not buy into this. However, programs that benefit poor children, like Headstart, etc… have to come from somewhere. I have no problem giving up some coins so an unfortunate family can eat, get healthcare, and other stuff like that.
That is all well and good. I want the poor to eat, I had good friends in high school that paid for their lunch with that yellow punch card instead of money. Should that continue, of course. Where does the money come from however? I got it, maybe the soda and cigarette companies that are in such a frenzy to sell to the youth, maybe some of the shoe companies can subsidize some programs, or the cand! y companies. Would they? Hell no.
However, that measly $300 check Bush sent me wasn't worth breaking the Social Security Trust fund, either. Not that SS wasn’t already in shambles, but he could’ve kept that shit for real. So that was some stupid shit to do in my opinion, but you better believe I spent that shit.
I think the Democrats take the black vote for granted. To me, it's not smart to vote for somebody I think will take great delight in fucking me over just because the other party isn't dope. So I'm tired of being an 'automatic' vote for the Democrats.
In my opinion, I dont think they care (they being republicans) they dont care what black people think, say or do. So if they can convince some of us to vote for them in the next go around, great, if not, no big loss, they've been doing without "us" for years now.

The bottom line is its not what color YOU are its what color your MONEY is (green, silver or nonexistant.) And I would put money down that there is a white group of democrats out there that is riling the black folks up, there may be a small core of hardcore politic junkies out there, but by and large, "we" dont care one way or the next. And our money says so. Blacks don't give huge campign contributions, and if we do, we don't vote to support the organizations that gave the money. And that’s proven by the latest poll numbers..... what's my point??? I'm not sure.

The GOP is about money. Green bills. Its populated by some of the most racist folks you could ever meet, who would smile wide as the Mississippi if you contribute something to them. Give them something; they'll give you something. My feeling is that I don’t need a politician (white, black, democrat, republican, etc.) to be my friend. I have those, believe it or not. I need someone who is going to HELP ME WIN. That’s it.

Win what you ask? Maybe a contract to do a great building. Maybe get me a job when I don’t have one. Whatever it is I want to achieve, I need someone to help me do that, not slap me on the back and tell me how great my ancestors are or were, and how I've been fucked over. I know that already.

If anyone owns a business and fires you its because your not contributing enough to the bottom line. I could be the most coonish, pink lipped, bug eyed, shuffling lazy negro that ever stepped foot off a plantation, but if the person I work for (white or black) and opens his books and sees where I come in on the bottom line, if I’m not profitable they would get rid of me. To me, that is common sense? Would l I be a slave for him, of course not. I use him for what he can get me, and he uses me for what I can get him. Thats life.

This also stems from my belief that I can compete, on any level in existence with any human on the face of the planet. My ancestors and people less fortunate than me still need affirmative action. More often than not, I believe that I'm not one of them. I am lucky and fortunate and I thank God that my parents have put me in a position to do so. I still have to deal with discrimination and lack of opportunity from time to time, but maybe I’ve bought into the ‘Republican idea’ that I have the skills to compete on any level therefore shouldn’t receive (don’t want to receive) any sort of special handout to achieve my goals.

Now, the counterpoint which rips my above point to shreds, “Great for me!” Good to know that the less fortunate and gifted among us can count on my support. Also, good to know that I craft my entire world view based on what I need without giving a damn about anyone else." The view above is selfish, self-centered and not based on the ideals of community and the 'group' which is the mindset which has truly assisted blacks get to where they are today.

But here is my point, its not at all about what I need. I personally try not to even live in this year or decade. I'm thinking what I could do that would benefit MY sons and daughters, how can I ensure that my parents who bent over backwards to get me where I am, don't end up in an old folks home I can barely afford (ever been inside one of those places? Its hell on earth for real.) Right now I work at a pretty high profile architecture firm. I received my check last Friday, and the same day saw this older guy, maybe 45 yrs old getting laid off. My heart broke for that guy, to get laid off at that age would suck ass. When my parents reach their golden years I want them living plush, traveling where they wan! t doing whatever they want, call up her son, I'll wire some more cash, whatever she wants or needs its taken care of. But should l I be concerned for every granny on the planet? Perhaps. I'm just not.

What I respect about Republicans is that they tell blacks from the jump 'fuck you.' If you don’t have it like we have it, fuck you. So the argument goes would it be 'keeping it MORE real' by voting for the guy who I know doesn't give a damn about me but is honest!! The party where Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott, is a proud member of the Council of Conservative Citizens and doesn't even hide that shit! Or the Democratic party that claims to have your best interests at heart, but the amount of tangible change over the past 30 years is minimal at best.

Please don't think I haven't seen the gains black people have made. There have been some definite changes. I know that home ownership (among blacks and whites), lack of unemployment, and college enrollment all reached there highest levels ever under Bill Clinton. (Even though only 2% of new homes were done by architects, but that’s a different argument) Of course, the counter argument could be made that president's don't effect these things, but if that's the case, why bother with politics at all, eh?
I like Clinton. I'll vote for his wife if and when she runs only because Bill will be giving her advice.

I’m all for trying to change the game from the inside out. But in reality, I cannot change the game. At best, as a Republican, I would only become a part of it and perhaps, help some black folks in the process. I saw my dad do this in his own way. He was the voice that made sure whenever they hired summer kids for internships, they better hire some blacks, or he was going to give them hell. So you can make a ‘small’ difference in your own way even by being a part of the republican party. Now that he has retired, there hasn’t been ! one black hire at all. So without someone in there with a voice, I’m afraid we would be looked over completely.
................. to be continued...

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