

Sheeeeiiiitttt, if I was Corey, I woulda hit it too.

Im talking about this story where a former American Idol contestant claims he smashed Paula Abdul throughout the competition. He claims she also helped him pick out songs, and took him clothes shopping. I’m not sure why you’d let her help you dress, because we all know Paula is color blind, picking out all those fuscia / lime green combos. But to tell the whole world, you fell in love with Paula and that she dumped you when you became a loser takes some serious nuts.

But more importantly, I feel for Ruben.

I mean, why not let Mr. Studdard hit? Just think of what that could’ve done for big men all over the world?!!! Word that a big guy like that is banging Paula would bring a whole other level of consciousness to tiny women across the world. Tiny women probably never considered being with a big guy like Ruben, but she would've given them license to try. As soon as anyone would question their motives, the ladies could say, "Paula did it!"

She could’ve started a revolution, but NOOOO, she’s gotta shack up with the light-skinned dude with the pretty eyes.....


CD of the moment: James Brown - Live in Kinshasa

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