
Where's the Vote or Die song??

I'm really disappointed that Puffy hasn't made a Vote or Die song...

I would've expected nothing less than for Puffy to turn his organization into another self-promotion scheme.. oh wait, it is... but where is the song??

I think that is the only way you can get the kids to vote, approach them on their level... through the hip-hop dominated, thugs, guns, and female exploitation that exists on hip-hop radio and videos.

damn, I'm getting old. I used to love all the ass and titties in hip-hop, now looking at it now, it's just degrading to women, and it's a shame to see so many young females (and males) embrace it.

My Tuesday predictions??

Kerry in a landslide... because I have faith, but Bush and his boys will fight it so we won't know on Tuesday night.

go Obama!


CD of the moment: Guns & Roses - "Greatest Hits"

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