
sideburns & co-workers

I just came back from the bathroom and realized that my sideburns are


Like, WAY uneven.

Like, what the fuck was I thinking uneven.


We recently rearranged the desks in our office and I now sit next to this
loud and obnoxious kiss ass who everyone can't stand except for the boss.

So I walk in this morning and the first thing out of his mouth is, "What's
shakin' C-dawg?"

I'm not sure if he thinks he's being funny, or cool, or what, but he just
sounds utterly ignorant. This is the same guy who has referred to arabs as
'towel heads' and purchased the 'Iraqi's most wanted' playing cards.

I mean, did he expect me to run over and 'give him some dap'? .... maybe he
thought I'd throw my hands in the air and yell, " WEST SIIIIIIIIIIIIDE UP IN

he recently purchased the latest Snoop Dogg CD, so everything out of his
mouth rhymes with 'izzle'.

Headphones are my friends.


CD of the moment - Jamiroquai - "The House Mixes"

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