
I don't care about yo baby!!

I'm sorry.  Call me insensitive if you wish, but I do not give two ounces of

shit about a co-workers newborn baby. I am really happy for people with
children, especially people I know that have children. I really care and am
interested in seeing the new pictures, etc... But for the folks at work
that I have no vested interested in, I don't give a shit. Family member of
friend has a baby, different story.... but these fools? Hell no. These
MF's come in and show off their little digital baby pictures every fucking

"Curtis, come here for a second.",
"Sorry, I have to get these drawings out.",
"Oh, it will only take a second. Come here real quick!"
"I really have a lot to get done here."
"Just for a second come look at these. I just took them this morning!"

... it reaches a point where you realize that it will always be quicker to
just go and act interested rather than keep working and be honest with them
that you don't give a shit.

I'm trying to work here ya know!?? About 5-6 times a week I get called to
one of 3 newborn parents' computer to look at the latest baby pics. I'm
tired. I mean I'm really tired. The baby looks the same to me as it did
last week!!! Just hit me off like once every 6 months with the highlights
of the past few months or so and I'll be straight. But you do not need to
call me to your desk every other freakin' day to show me another photo of
your big headed alien lookalike baby!! I don't care!!!

Wouldn't it be nice though if the conversation went like this:

"Curtis, come here for a second."
"It's not more fucking baby pictures is it?"
"Well, yeah."
"C'mon dude. I just saw pictures on Monday. He hasn't grown up that much
in two days! Show me next month."
"Yeah, but look what I have him dressed up in!"
"Seriously, that kid is probably pissed off you keep playing holloween with
him. This week he's a banana, last week he's a dragon, you're going to give
that kid some fucking identity issues."

On another complete different point, women always wonder why it is so hard
to be honest much of the time. It's really not that we aren't honest, but
more often than not, we have a pretty good inclination that you don't want
to hear our honesty. It would more often than not, hurt your feelings, hurt
you, and we don't want to do that. We really don't. So believe us when we
tell you that we lie because we don't want to hurt you. If we were always
honest, without fear of hurting your feelings, more conversations would go
like this:

Her: "So what would you like to do tonight baby?"
Me: "Can we just stay home and fu**? Once. For like 10 minutes? And you
won't get upset?"

I'm not saying it would always be like this. But sometimes, that's how it
is. Most of the time I don't mind showering you with love and affection,
foreplay, and working it for 40 minutes (okay, 20). But sometimes.... you

Anyway, maybe it's because I don't want kids right now. I wouldn't mind
having kids with the right person, but I want them to pop out and be like
six already so I can start taking them to their tee ball games and shit.
The other thing that pisses me off is that once you have kids, you start to
move up in the company. NOW all of a sudden you're grown up, can handle
more responsibility, etc... This one guy comes in with his sonogram pictures
every other week to show off that he is about to have twins. read: "There is
no way I'll be able to work as much as I have been and as a matter of fact,
I'll need some more money to take of this huge responsibility in my life."

This is what it all REALLY means. Now you have to buy diapers every fucking
week so you need this job much more than you did before. Now you will be
much better at kissing the bosses ass! Whereas, a man like me, with no life
threatening ties to Chicago, no one else to support or go home and report to
if I decide to bounce. Therefore, these new mommy's and daddy's just keep
getting pushed up into higher roles, with more work than they can handle
because the boss knows, they'll do anything to keep their job. They can't
afford to lose it. Me on the other hand, if they fire me, the only person
they're pissing off is Visa and Mastercard.

You want to move up on the corporate ladder boys and girls, make some


CD of the moment - Lizz Wright - "Salt" <----- Real cool, jazzy shit!
GREAT CD!!! I highly recommend it.

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