
Preparing for war

This woman in my office freaked me the fuck out the other day. She is
incredibly anti-Bush and I've always felt that the venomous words she spews
at the Republican party were so one-sided that she was unable to think with
much common sense. You know a person like this, the kind that is completely
unable to see an opinion that differs from their own.

Well, even though I agree with many of the things she has to say, her
inability to rationally consider a different opinion had generally caused me
to write her off and ignore everything she had to say. She's a 40 y.o. SWF
who lives in a house full of pet rabbits and we can say just doesn't get out
much. But when she told me about her 'war contingency plans' I really
started to think about this shit.

She told me that she goes to her parents house every other weekend to help
them haul groceries into their basement where they have slowly stockpiled
water, canned vegetables, batteries, candles, generators, radios, etc..
etc... She makes the case that while we still have income, we should be
spending our money on the sorts of things we will need when this war starts
and our economy really goes down hill.

I only thought that people with farms in Nebraska where nobody gives a shit
were the ones who did this sort of thing. Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't
really thought about this in a while, but our generation has never really
seen the effects of a 'real' war on our economy. I have no idea what it
would actually be like, but I remember hearing during WWII that unemployment
was at something like 35-45%. That's a lot of people without jobs!

How many people do you know are preparing for war? I only know one, but I
think we oughta start thinking about that shit.


CD of the moment: United Future Organization - "V"

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