
What's God got to do with winning?

Can someone tell me? I mean you win something, you thank God... God never wrote about "winning" did he? Is it have something to do with Blacks and religion?

We score a touchdown, we thank God, we hit a home run, we thank God, we win an Oscar, we thank God... now I can understand like, if you SURVIVED CANCER, or had a healthy baby... that shit is worth thanking God for. But are we really supposed to give God thanks for winning?

I could see if maybe you thanked her for "giving me the strength"... but if you got millions of dollars in the bank already, I ain't with you homie! Truth is, we really don't know how much strength comes from within ourselves vs how much comes from my dead cousin's mother's Aunt twice removed that was married to a slave down in Mississippi. If I ever win something I'm going to thank myself!



Anonymous said...

It is a believe system, Curtis. When you hear people thanking GOD at such a time, it is because they believe there is a much greater power ALLOWING for such experiences to happen. It is not to say we do not have our own free will. We CHOOSE our paths in life, but ultimately GOD orchestrates where we end up; what we will & will not experience. Nothing is by coincidence or mere luck.

AND you know blacks & religion go hand-in-hand brothaman. Generally speaking, being white in America provides a degree of tangible satisfaction that many sum up as all they need. Religion for colored folk reminds us that GOD loved us as we are, when others do not accept us. And that there is more to life than winning and having things.

Anonymous said...

So are you saying that black folks think there is more to life than just winning and having things anonymous? Cause most blacks want to win the lottery, most blacks folks like the bling and want to show it off to everyone, most black folks want the Gucci and Prada bags even though they can't afford it. You had me up until the last sentence.

Anonymous said...

So can we choose a path in life that is contrary to God's ultimate plan for us? If God's orchestrates where we end up ultimately, is the path we choose even relevant?