
mumblings 11.4.2

Well, the weekend was rather uneventful.  I decided to self-inflict

craziness into my life, so I went to the mall, Ikea and Target on a Sunday.
These are the worst days to do this kind of shit, but there was great people
watching involved.

I bought a real tight suit from Kenneth Cole on sale over the summer, but
there are absolutely no ties that match this MF. I am so pitiful, that I
carried this suit around having MF's try to match up ties with it, and when
they failed miserably, I would leave and tell them I was going to 'keep
looking'. I somehow thought it might be a good way to meet some women, but
it's all men w/ bad cologne or middle aged grey haired women working in the
mens department. So that plan didn't work out to well.

Ikea is fun because it's really a whole bunch of shit you don't need, but if
you had would make life around you easier and bit more fun. I escaped by
only spending $20 on some cardboard magazine organizers in all these funky
colors and some candles.

I'm going to New Haven, CT at the last minute this weekend for a lighting
conference. So if anyone knows something that's going on in and around Yale
let me know. I'm thinking it might be worth staying an extra day and
heading into NYC for the day to see that new museum by Williams & Tsien or
simply spend the day meandering through the East Village, but it might be
too cold for that shit. The new MOCA in Queens could be a stop. I've never
been to Queens before, but I think there is probably a reason for that.

At work, we've been told by our client to take 8 million dollars out of the
building we've designed. I don't know if he expects us to pull it out of
our ass or what, but that is the task at hand. I think my manager got a
little upset at me. When she suggested that we use Stucco instead of Brick
masonry on the building, I couldn't hide my disgust and my whole face
scrunched up like I had smelled the ODB'S breath or something. Oh well.


CD of the moment: Morcheeba - "Charango"

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