
Racial tirades

First it was Mel Gibson with his rant against the Jews, and now its Michael Richards from Seinfeld fame with his rant against blacks.

I could go into a little tirade about white people and racism that lingers under the surface... and how suppressing it for so long causes little outbursts like this, but that would be too easy right? In many ways, i think we'd all be a lot better off if racism was still more overt and out in the open. Then, there would be no question where people stand ya know?

I could walk into my office and see my boss and say, "Hey whitey, how ya doing? Actually, I don't care how you're doing, but hows my money doing? Did we pull in enough to pay me this week?"

and he could reply, "It's all good little niggaboy. I'm stacking those phat papers this week to make sure we've got plenty in the stash. But keep busting your ass because if shit gets tight, your black ass is gonna be the first to go, ya feel me?"

.. See, this way, there is no misconceptions and I won't have to go into a tirade about racism when I'm the first to get let go.

But to all of the black people that are mad at Michael Richards and are swearing off Seinfeld, how about this? Stop saying the word "nigga" in mixed company. Stop playing hip-hop songs around mixed company that has the word "nigga" in every other line. Until we stop using the word, we'll have to deal with the inevitable "nigga" vs "nigger" comments or even worse the "well you and all the hip-hoppers use it!!?" argument which puts me in the position of having to apologize for ignorant niggas.

So don't hate on Michael Richards, i was going to give him all kinds of props until that pitiful backtracking on Letterman the following day. After so eloquently expressing his true feelings at the moment, i wish he would've embraced it, the world would be such a better place. he should've rolled up on Letterman and said, "Hell yeah i called those MFers niggas!!! They were doing nigga shit!!! I make too much money to be heckled by those people!!! Now what beeyaatches!!!??? WU - TANG!!!!"

The funny thing is if a black person went into a tirade about white people, it probably wouldn't make the news... You know why??? Because white folks already know we don't like most of them! ha ha!! Nah, I'm playing... we like white people, otherwise we wouldn't have jobs and shit.

Well, Happy Thanksgivingto you all. I'm volunteering on Thanksgiving day and spending the rest of the long weekend building a walk-in closet. I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I hope you take the time to do something productive and/or give some money or something to someone / something who is less fortunate that your internet savvy computer having ass, k?


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