
aaahhhhhh, finally...

whew!!! got my first check from the new job yesterday.. what a freaking relief!!

it's funny how things work out, but I was worried there for a second. Sure i had the new job and had started working, but I hadn't been paid in a minute and I had a mortgage to pay. My old job send my last check to my house via fedex, but you know how brothas in the hood are... they don't get too many fedex trucks around my way, so instead of leaving a note, or getting the REQUIRED SIGNATURE to deliver the package, the fed ex guy/girl decides they'll just leave the package at my front door.

Now, I have a nice brand spanking new front door, so I could see how one might get the impression that everything is copasetic and it would be ok to leave the package at my door. however, if one would turn around and take note of the family of 7 living in the one bedroom apartment who put their entire living room in the front yard when the sun is out, or perhaps the perpetual go-go concert that occurs due to the fact that my other neighbor puts his speakers in the window and plays music for the neighborhood, .... one might be inclined to not leave a fedex package lying at someone's front door for all to see. Maybe it's just me, but this fedex person is an idiot.

Needless to say, someone stole the fedex with my last check in it. So when I called up my old job to curse them out for not getting my check to me in a timely manner I found out it was delivered and left at my door. So we had to stop payment on the check, cut me a new one, blah blah blah..... curtis don't get paid for a while... then my new company had the audacity to make me work for a whole pay period before they paid me. (jokes...) not to mention I racked up a $450 cell phone bill with all of the calling and interviewing setup that occurred last month (which is prompting me to switch to Sprints flexible plan shit). there was a little period there when the bills were all coming in, the mortgage was due and i hadn't been paid. But it all looks like it's going to work itself out.

Also, a big fat congratulations to my main man Ron whose wife is pregnant. There is something in a man's voice who is about to have a baby that is difficult to describe... Well, I mean, when the baby is planned you know... There is this notion of self-assuredness and confidence which screams "HA MOTHERFU*KERS MY SOLDIERS MARCH GATDAMMIT!!!". you can't really pinpoint what it is, but there is something empowering in knowing for sure that you can breed. At least you hear it with the first child, I don't really have any friends with more than one child, but I'm imaging once the financial realities kick in, that same aura of pride isn't quite there for #2... probably more of a "fu*k me! again?!!" that comes through in the voice, but I'm just speculating...


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