
sometimes, you just can't care.

Some people have the luxury of being able to be themselves no matter what the situation. They can do and say whatever it is they would normally do no matter who or what is around them.

Now I must say that these people who are convinced that they are themselves all of the time, I think you're full of shit and that whether you want to admit or not, you are never completely your true self ALL of the time.. that's bullshit... because I know behind closed doors you probably take it in the ass. But I bet you aren't going to be so forward and open about THAT all the time are you? Ok, maybe that's different, but still...

I make no qualms about being a different person in different situations. I think it has come natural from a very early age. I was the only black kid in the "smart" classes, but then I'd hang with the black kids in the school. So I learned pretty quickly that I couldn't behave in class the way they told me they behaved in class (spitballs, etc...) This has created a situation where without even thinking about it, I'm very easily able to switch between environments pretty easily, whether it be in a meeting with a client, at a dinner party with the girl's boss, or slammin dominoes with my homies back in Springpatch.

But SOMETIMES, you just have to let all that go and just be yourself and not give a damn about the situation. Most of the switching comes from the desire / ability to make others feel comfortable around you moreso than any deep willingness to be something else I believe. The last thing anyone wants to feel is uncomfortable around you, then they won't want to work with you, eat lunch with you, have sex with you, play golf with you, etc...

Every once in a while you have to throw those people off, just to let them know that they don't REALLY know you completely. This is important for a couple of reasons, mainly because you don't want people to get so comfortable they start assuming that you are like them. Either that or they'll start calling you "bro".... "what's up bro?!" or even worse, they're a big Dave Chappelle fan and if they're ignorant, they might even try to drop a N-bomb on you, but most people have more sense than that.

So in my efforts just to let my co-workers know that I'm not everything I seem to be I warmed up some leftover fried chicken and collard greens in the microwave about 10:30am yesterday. It had the whole top floor of the office smelling like a cornicopius blend of grease and ass. ...broke out the hot sauce at my desk too just to REALLY let folks know my roots run deep into the backroads of Mississippi.

Hey I was hungry, I had to do it, but it served it's purpose too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Hope you had the Red Hot. Love the blog!