
My new painting!!

agm6002fine, originally uploaded by cinnamon.stick.

I've been itching for a long time to get a piece of art I can be excited about.

Well my trip to Jamaica this weekend, brought me face to face with that painting and it was such a surreal feeling.

I was in Jamaica for a wedding which took place on Saturday at 4:30pm. Well as many of you know, the NFL draft started at 11:00am ET on Saturday. So all of the men were trying to figure out how they could get away from the ladies so they could watch the draft uninterrupted.

Since I don't really care about the NFL draft, I took one for the team and offered to go shopping with the ladies. Our first stop was the Gallery of West Indian Art which has arguably the best collection of original Carribbean art anywhere.

So we're wandering around the art gallery then BAM!!! I turn the corner and my whole body just kinda froze and as I'm sitting there speechless, I finally mumble, "that's hot." The wife of one of my best friends turns the corner, sees it, and in her ever-so-confident way looks at me and says, "you know you gotta get that right?"

... and she was right. I had no idea how much it was, but I knew I had to get it. So I did.

I don't even have a place to put the MF, and I can't imagine how much it's going to cost me to frame a 60" long painting.... so now my house hunting search is completely predicated upon whether or not the house has the right wall to hang this painting...

how crazy is that?? I'm going to base my home buying decision on whether or not it has the perfect place for this painting...

It is by a Cuban artist, Abel G. Matos and is laquered acrylic painted on canvas.... can anyone tell me the difference between acrylic and oil paint??? I almost got one by J.B. Louisius which is the original Haitian artist whose work is often imitated on the streets, but can't quite stand up to the originals. I was equally fascinated by the work of Dieguez but the Matos painting just was calling me from the moment I first saw it.

Oh yeah, and Jamaica was absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

... don't hate.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The painting is HOT HOT HOT!! It's so you too!!

Congrats on a good find.