So I haven't been to the eye doctor in something like 7 or 8 years... My vision has always been "almost" perfect as a kid so I never really worried about it, but increased hours, increased headaches and the occassional eye palpitation from lack of sleep spawned an eye doctor visit.
After going through the headache of the insurance verification and finding a provider 'in my program' (which I ended up just asking people in the office who wear glasses), I made my appointment.
A Lebanese-esque woman appears and looks at my address and immediately says, "I live near you!" (racial stereotype of the day: I only sais she is Lebanese because she loves a restaurant in the neighborhood called Lebanese Taverna... sad isn't it). All this smiling in my face and genuine concern for the health of my eyes had a brotha's guard down. I'm not saying she was flirting, but she was just friendly.......
Don't get me wrong, I've got my ladyfriend at home so it's not like I was looking or nothing, but I wasn't voted biggest flirt in my high school Senior year book for nothing right??!! Then just drops the M bomb on me.... "yeah, my husband and I LOVE living up in that area..."
I'm like, "Sexy Palestinian girl, you coulda dropped that earlier before all this smiley smiley business." In any case, she thinks I have a slight stigmatism and should wear glasses for driving at night... and for driving in the rain. I'm not an optometrist so what does mama nature needing to take a piss on the earth have to do with this?
Then she says, "and if you want, you can try wearing them during the day to see if they help reduce the strain on your eyes while you work..." I woulda bought the argument if she said, wear them when you're at the computer and it will improve your eye strain or something like that, but wear these when you drive in the rain?? I guess it's some far-sighted mumbo jumbo I don't understand.
So now I have a MAJOR aesthetic decision to make for my face.... the disappearing frameless I'm in denial that I have to wear glasses joints, i.e. the anti-glasses glasses or on the other hand the designery big bold framed, "hey look at my face I'm an artsy fartsy architect" type of glasses... to choose anything in between would be a waste of time I believe...
I found this article that says certain frame types make certain face shapes look better, but who would have the balls to classify their own face as an upside down triangle when the article states that an 'oval' shaped face is the optimum face shape? Well if oval is optimal, then my face is oval gotdammit..
all this shit to think about... like skin tone... check this out from the article:
"Skin tone is the prime element in determining coloring. All complexions fall into one of two color bases — blue (cool) or yellow (warm). A cool complexion has blue or pink undertones, and a warm complexion has a "peaches and cream" or yellow cast. Olive skin is considered cool because it is a mixture of blue and yellow. (In the United States, cool, blue-based complexions are more common than the yellow-based warm complexions. About 60 percent of the population are "cools.")"
I ain't blue, and I'll be damned if I'm going to CLAIM yellow after all the high yella jokes I've endured throughout my life... And olives come in a plethora of choices so when one says, "olive" how in the hell is anyone supposed to know what that means?
choices choices choices....
CD of the moment: Buena Vista Social Club presents Ibrahim Ferrer
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