
Mediocrity and Giving Grades...

Grading papers is incredibly difficult.

I received the stack of 10 page research papers that I have to go through in a weeks time and am finding the process quite fascinating, but very difficult. First of all, since I have a pretty good idea of who pays attention, sleeps in class, shows up late, etc... I felt I had a pretty good sense of who my A students are, who my B students are, etc...

So to usurp my pre-disposition, I ask the students to turn in their papers with their ID numbers only, no names, so that I could read each paper individually on its own merits. At the time, I felt like this would be the most fair and equitable way to judge the content for the contents sake, without regard to the note-passing, cell phone disruptions and late attendance sign-ins. I think part of me did this because I pride myself in being judged on my skills and not my race, age, sex or anything else.

Not only do I now realize how much more work I created for myself, but am questioning whether or not teaching and grading discriminatorily might be better for everyone. Not to mention the fact that people are stating things in their papers that I don't even know if it's true or not??? And how much do you focus on terrible grammar and lack of sentence structure?? I could easily say, I get what they are trying to say, but they said in such a horrible way, that I should not place myself in the position to make assumptions for what they are writing...

I now realize that I shouldn't show prejudice towards any one, but I HAVE to discriminate. Let me explain.

There is no easy way to determine who is going to be successful after school based on their school performance, so it becomes a question of who do you spend the most time trying to help? Do you spend your time pushing the talented but lazy ones? Do you spend your time raising the mediocrity bar higher in hopes that the collective will gain from a higher standard? How do you balance the two because there are clearly people that need a lot more help than others.

Unless you can discriminately choose who to help and when, then everyone gets the same level of attention which is not necessarily needed which translates to my time being spent uneconomically. I'm going to continue down the path I've started, but I'm questioning whether or not this was the right thing to do. But the whole process is very 'priest-like' in a way in that you find yourself gravitating towards 'need', you seek it out and the people that are okay, you let them be.

There are systems in place at most schools to reward the best and ensure that they are promoted and given the special attention they deserve, while allowing the rest of the people, the mediocre, to float by and somehow receive validation that there is a place for them in this world. As a matter of fact, most universities and damn near our whole economy is based on the mediocre.

I've realized that college is a sort of dumping ground for the middle class. It is a safe place that parents don't mind paying the money to keep their kids off of the streets and relatively out of trouble because you are placed in an environment where the extent of lawlessness involves getting high.

Most of the kids are there because their mothers placed them there and only a handful have made the conscious choice to study architecture because it is some lifelong dream or have received some sort of calling that has brought them to the profession. The rest are just mediocre in most everything they do and are content to be so.

So a B for one person means a lot more than a B to someone else who may feel like they deserve an A. This is why grading is so difficult because many students see grades as a sort of validation to their parents are themselves for any number of things rather than focusing on the enrichment of their minds and understand that they are at a University to gain as much knowledge as possible and there is no grade that anyone can give them that will properly measure that.


CD of the moment: Various Artists - After Dark: Chicago


CIA says no WMD (finally)

Over 1000 US deaths, tens of thousands of US injuries later, they finally state the reason we went over there in the first place, never existed at all. It's not like we didn't already know, but I find it funny that this gets admitted and will be a passing byline on websites, probably get no TV or radio coverate and will go largely unnoticed.

Let people know, they lied about why we went over there.


from MSNBC:

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq
Recommends freeing detainees held for weapons knowledge

The Associated Press
Updated: 9:24 p.m. ET April 25, 2005
WASHINGTON - In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

“After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall.

“As matters now stand, the WMD investigation has gone as far as feasible.”

In 92 pages posted online Monday evening, Duelfer provides a final look at an investigation that occupied over 1,000 military and civilian translators, weapons specialists and other experts at its peak. His latest addenda conclude a roughly 1,500-page report released last fall.

On Monday, Duelfer said there is no purpose in keeping many of the detainees who are in custody because of their knowledge on Iraq’s weapons, although he did not provide any details about the current number. A U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the ultimate decision on their release will be made by the Iraqi authorities.

The addenda conclude that Saddam’s programs created a pool of experts now available to develop and produce weapons and many will be seeking work. While most will probably turn to the “benign civil sector,” the danger remains that “hostile foreign governments, terrorists or insurgents may seek Iraqi expertise.”

“Because a single individual can advance certain WMD activities, it remains an important concern,” one addendum said.

Another addendum also noted that military forces in Iraq may continue to find small numbers of degraded chemical weapons — most likely misplaced or improperly destroyed before the 1991 Gulf War. In an insurgent’s hands, “the use of a single even ineffectual chemical weapon would likely cause more terror than deadlier conventional explosives,” another addendum said.

And still another said the survey group found some potential nuclear-related equipment was “missing from heavily damaged and looted sites.” Yet, because of the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the survey group was unable to determine what happened to the equipment, which also had alternate civilian uses.

“Some of it probably has been sold for its scrap value. Other pieces might have been disassembled” and converted into motors or condensers, an addendum said. “Still others could have been taken intact to preserve their function.”

Small team still in placeLeaving the door to the investigation open just a crack, the U.S. official said a small team still operates under the U.S.-led multinational force in Iraq, although the survey group officially disbanded earlier this month. Those staying on continue to examine documents and follow up on any reports of weapons of mass destruction.

In a statement accompanying the final installment, Duelfer said a surprise discovery would most likely be in the biological weapons area because clues, such as the size of the facilities used to develop them, would be comparatively small.

Among unanswered questions, Duelfer said a group formed to investigate whether WMD-related material was shipped out of Iraq before the invasion wasn’t able to reach firm conclusions because the security situation limited and later halted their work. Investigators were focusing on transfers from Iraq to Syria.

No information gleaned from questioning Iraqis supported the possibility, one addendum said. The Iraq Survey Group believes “it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place. However, ISG was unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials.”


update on mulch...

no wonder the entire city smelled like mulch the other day,

they were giving it away for free!!

bastards... all up IN MY FACE with the cow booty smell...


the office buffoon

okay, that's not fair.

so there is this guy, who is obviously the 'joker' in the office and seems to embrace this role whole heartedly. I think he's of Latin origin from his name, but I can't be sure. I would say he's Latino, but I've developed an anti-affinity for that word, so until I know the cultural heritage he claims, I'll just leave it at that.

I understand (assume) that he doesn't have something as powerful as the 'minstrel show' in his history, so possibly there is not a reference point for him to recognize how he is playing himself. But there is historical precedent for the 'minority as clown figure' image that is very easy for others to buy into... maybe I'm not giving humanity enough credit, but I'm bothered by this.

Here is his office wide e-mail inviting people to happy hour:

"Aight beer belly, martini sipping, wanna-be fabio's and selma's, It's on this Friday nizite for them dranks they call 'HAPPY' will be poppin bout six sharp! It's my potna's, A.K.A. 'Shizane da Lap Dancer', last day at the office so we gonna be puttin them down with out the chaser and puffing on some of them fat cubans straight from the ricans.....not to say that there maybe a little bit of bump and grind.....I'll let that up to yall......oh yeaaaaaaaahhh! It feels like spring baby.
And for those who will not be in attendance, we'll be sure to dip one down for yall.
Big Daddy....."

... You tell me, am I wrong?? I'm just disturbed by this whole thing and the stereotype he is promoting. I realized quickly where he stood when he approached me with a "Whatup dawg?" to which I paused then replied, "I'm fine, how are you?"

So don't approach me on some 'gangster shit' steelo like we go way back to our days from when we used to slang rocks on the block! nah dawg, this is a professional workplace, so lets act like it...

I'm going to hold my tongue for now and just let my actions speak, but damn y'all, it's 2005...... I shouldn't be stressing about this type of shit...


CD of the moment: Miles Davis & John Coltrane - "Live in New York"


Thoughts on post-modernism..

I’m down to the wire here with the semester.

I only have a few classes left. My class, modern architectural history since 1900, has to cover so much ground that I’m not able to dig in as deep as I would like to. I’ve been going chronologically, which means that I’m FINALLY getting to the fun stuff… Deconstruction, British Hi-Tech, etc… The problem is, they will be so focused on finishing up their studio projects and working on the final research paper I’ve assigned that they probably won’t pay much attention…

Yesterday I did Post-Modernism and I really struggled with how to convey the notion of the period because I’ve always hated Po-Mo. Plus, it’s continued success today makes me scratch my head even further. In class I took the stance that Po-Mo is really a populist language with immediate communicability which allows ‘everybody’ to feel like they ‘get it’ right away. But in actuality it is a farce, it is a mask that hides the technological and social developments of society.

Even the name is such an oxymoron. If being modern is existing on the cutting edge, than being POST-modern is on the bleeding edge I suppose. If you're post-modern than you are just so damn modern that you're way beyond what the modern folks are doing already.

It's funny how in archi-speak, modernism has an ending date.. It was somewhere in the 60's or 70's. So now we're in the 'contemporary' phase of architecture. I wonder when the 'post-contemporary' phase will begin?

For me, Po-Mo is about ordinary, comfortableness, and the mundane pretending to be something special, and it works. People buy into it, and it reduces the profession of architecture to an exercise of large scale packaging. ...which is why I hate po-mo.

I’m rethinking my stance though… Maybe the whole thing is not so pointless as it sells very well. As a ‘business model’ approach to architecture, maybe it’s quite genius. Developers have proven you can sell the same house to everyone, place them right next to each other and the lack of individuality isn’t any cause for concern or alarm… Actually, the house that tries to be different on any given block is usually the one that receives the ridicule…

Contextualism, blending in, disappearing is what the American middle class is supposed to be all about right?

Or is it?


CD of the moment: Gilles Peterson - "In Brazil"


I followed an ass for 5 blocks today...

... went all out of my way on my way home from work..

but I was just mesmerized by it... It's was just jingling with each step and motioning for me to follow it. With each step it will give a little wave, or a wink or a "come here."

Then right when I was about to turn and move the other way, it's like, the ass knew... just as I was about to walk back towards the train, she stopped, bent over and adjusted the buckle on her sandal.

It's like the ass stopped and said, "and just where do you think you're going?" So I stopped and told the ass, "my fault. But I'm only following you for ONE MORE BLOCK!"

She kept on walking, then after one block I kissed my fingers, gave it the peace sign and returned to the train.

The ass winked at me and blew me a kiss back. Twas a beautiful thing.

... and then, after a few steps, I turned around to get one last glimpse, and it was gone...


CD of the moment:
Moodyman - "Black Mahogani"


I got crabs last night.

I know it's not the season, but I couldn't help myself.

So on my way home from work, I stopped by the seafood spot and bought a dozen male crabs. I still don't understand why they charge more for male's vs. females... is the size? the amount of 'mustard' that you get when you crack them open? I thought to myself, well, the males are only $5 more, so I might as well get the males?? There has to be a reason they charge more for those??

But I must admit, although they were good, it was sort of a letdown. I now know that this spot doesn't use REAL Old Bay, but some type of pseudo-grainy Old Bay that gets all up underneath your fingernails and burns. Plus, they are so much damn work!! I bought one of those wooden mallets, but didn't even use it.

After all that work, and you're still hungry when you finish.. I only finished because the crabs weren't even hot anymore.. but there are those few moments when you crack them open just right, no mustard inside and you are able to grab a handful of lump crab meat that makes it all worthwhile..

They tricked me because I think they use real Old Bay on their steamed shrimp, so I guess I figured they would use the same thing on their crabs.. now I know..

I could still smell them on my fingers when I went to bed last night....

Its good to be back in Maryland.


CD of the moment: Common - "BE : Basement Elevation"


What's on Curt's mp3 player?

I recently received a question wanting to know what's on my mp3 player? It took me a minute to do, but here is a list of the artists in alphabetical order... If you see anything I'm missing that you feel is essential for my commute, please post it in the comments below. This list consists of about 3 gigs so far, so lots of room to add stuff...

For the record, I've refrained from putting any MJ on there until this whole trial thing is resolved... I realize I could still enjoy 'black michael', but am not really feeling him lately (HA!)...

Also, the new jobbers is cool, semester is almost over and Spring is here! I think life is pretty good right now! (If only I was fu*king more....)

I'll link up some of the lesser known artists when I have time, so you can check them out further. But if there is any one in particular you want to know about, just ask...


A Tribe Called Quest
Andy Caldwell
Andy Smith (Portishead's DJ)
Aquarian Dreams
Bah Samba
Ben Watt
Big Moses
Cesar Camargo Mariano
Chez Damier
Cricco Castelli
Danny Krivit
David Byrne
Dennis Ferrer
Diana Ross
Dimitri from Paris
DJ Mark Farina
DJ Mark Grant
Doobie Brothers
Dubtribe Sound System
Erykah Badu
Federico Aubele
Fred Everything
Gilles Peterson
Groove Junkies
Jennifer Renee Morrison
Jihad Muhammad
Joe Claussell
Kathy Brown
Kenny Carvajal
Kerri Chandler
Kimbu Kimra
King Britt
Kristian Schultze
Kruder & Dorfmeister
Lafayette Afro Rock Band
Lisa Shaw
Little Louie Vega
Ludwig van Beethoven
Marcos Valle
Masters At work
Meshell Ndegeocello
Miguel Migs
Miles Davis
Mondo Grosso
Mos Def
Naked Music - Lost On Arrival
Nicola Conte

Notorious B.I.G.
Patricia Marx
Peven Everett
Plant Life
Pushim (Japanese)
Quentin Harris
Rasmus Faber

Reel People
Robert Randolph & The Family Band
Sa-Ra Creative Partners
Saint Germain
Saint Germaine Cafe des Pres
Salif Keita
Sammy Davis Jr.
Sarah Devine
Scritti Politti
Soul II soul
Stephanie Cooke
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Poets of Rhythm
The Roots
The Rurals
Truby Trio

Various Artists


At least my mother still loves me

... "At least my mother still loves me"

this is the text message I received from a fellow Illini alum after the end of the final championship game. and this about sums up the empty feeling one has after following every single win, great shot, great comeback, team injury, team triumph, coaches personal struggles, etc... for 6 months.

It's like an amazing (and amazingly long) movie that has an unscripted abrupt ending and you are left with just a complete empty feeling that can't be described.... Over time you become personally involved in the success of your team and when a team is 37-1, you expect them to win...

...and when it was over, they didn't win and you realize there is nothing you can do about it, you just feel empty to the point that the fact that your mother still loves you is about the only thing that gives you consolation.

It's true.
