
my new logo

curt logo
Originally uploaded by cinnamon.stick.

Not that I'm spinning out at all these days, but let me know what you think of the logo for my DJ alter ego. A couple of people asked about the 80's mixes I was doing from all the records I received for free back in September.

yeah..... um...... I never finished those mixes. They're on my list of things to do though.

If you need any type of logo / letterhead / graphic design work done, contact my main man Wynn over at sexy pixels and tell him Curtis sent you. He's the guy that did the flyer for the weekly party I was the resident DJ for in Chicago.

Good stuff...



Anonymous said...

Dig the logo...it's hot.

So your last day was when you gave your notice?

Curtis said...

Thanks Paris.

I resigned on a Wednesday, and they made Thursday my last day. They felt it would be an awkward situation for all since I was there so shortly. I agreed, passed off all my projects and that was that..

Anonymous said...

oh okay, got it...

Who's Paris?

Anonymous said...

Logo is *hot* as hell