
The crisis of mediocrity

We have reached a turning point.

Either we move forward, or get left behind.

Accepting mediocrity and living our lives with a lack of concern for our fellow man has to stop.

Since I haven't transferred my Netflix to my new address yet, I was forced to go to Blockbuster for my parent's weekend visit. (that's a whole other chronicle) Although, I doubt my parents would be interested in any of the movies I'd be interested in anyway.

Well, both of the movies were scratched or something and at about the half-way point wouldn't play anymore. Do you know how annoying it is to get half way through a movie and then have it just sit there like theres a ghost in the room playing with the pause button?.... Even a bad movie, once you get half way through it, I usually stick it out and see if it makes a turn around.

I've only walked out of a couple of movies (especially if I paid my money... sheeeiiittt, I'm staying.) I remember some random film festival movie that looked like it was made with a Beta camcorder, and believe it or not, I walked out of Pulp fiction the first time I saw it. However, it was the second movie in a Curtis 2 for 1 early afternoon weekday special. I was out of popcorn and didn't want to risk going out and not getting back in to see the second movie.

I digress...

So when I went to return the movies I walked in and told the guy, neither one of these two movies played all the way through. He said,

"just drop them in there and pick out two new ones.."

I said, "If I drop them in here, then someone else will get these movies, not be able to play them and be pissed off like I am now...."

............... he paused, then said, "well you can just drop it in the box and I'll get it."

He's not going to get it. He had a line of 5-6 people and people coming in behind me dropping off movies in the box so there was no way he would know which two I dropped in there that didn't play!!

So in his efforts to dismiss me, I persist:

"If I drop these into the box with all of the rest of them, how will you know which ones don't play?................ you won't!.......... and someone else is going to get these non-playing movies!.........."

he comes over, takes the movies from me, and drops them in the box himself........... I'm sure he didn't plan on being confronted with his mediocre approach to life and work. I'm sure he didn't give two shits, and that's the problem.

First day of class was yesterday, and I KNOW I'm not that boring of a teacher. I mean it is the first day of class and people were settling way down in their chairs pulling their hats down while we were going over the syllabus!!!???

I mean, damn bro, let's give the class a chance. Your parents pay all this money for you to come into my class and sleep??

I asked the Dean's secretary if I could throw things at people who doze and she told me "No."

I let her know I kicked a guy who was sleeping on the aisle and she informed me I can't kick people either, so I said it was an accident.

I'll give them one more week of that shit, then I'm going to start being an asshole.


CD of the moment: Jazzanova - "the remixes"

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