
chronicle confessions

do you have something on your mind that you just need to release?  Something

you'd like to proclaim to the world? Sometimes it helps jumpstart things if
you say it out loud. I introduce the chronicle confessions.

You know how in those hot Southern churches you had to get up and confess...
and you would hear way more about folks business then you wanted too....
well now is that time, you'll feel better once you do it and you are able to
hide behind a veil of secrecy: me. Send me your confessions and I"ll
anonymously compile them into one or two e-mails...

I'll start:

Im an insomniac. I stay up until all hours of the night for no reason and
then struggle through the work day. This is a problem.

I miss my boys from college because they looked out and lent a helping hand
for me when nobody else would.

When my car was broken into, rifled through, but nothing taken, I honestly
had to stop for a second to think if there was some girl that was out to get
me.... I'm sure it was kids from the neighborhood... those boys are mad
niggerish... but this all leads me to believe I need to slow down with the

I feel emotionally invincible. like at this point in my life no one can
really upset me... I think this is a bad thing.

I need to start being more responsible with my money .. I'm counting every
penny in my account to start paying a mortgage (haven't found a place yet)
..I have some money coming in on a freelance job, but that hoe ain't paying.
I need to be more aggressive and get my money.

CD of the moment: Aya - "Strange Flower"

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