
weekend wrap up


People who dont drink scare me.

Not recovering alcoholics...they get a pass.
If you dont drink due to religious reasons, you get a pass too.

But if you're just a regular person, over the age of 21, and you never touch
alcohol, it just kinda makes me wonder. Its like I see them as close-minded
or something and inherently judgemental, and im just kind of weirded out by
it. This stems from an encounter at happy hour on Friday where this girl
just said, "I don't drink." and had no apparent reason for it.

This is not to say that everyone should go out boozin and get hammered every
weekend...but if i ask you if you'd like one beer at happy hour on a Friday
or a glass of wine w/dinner and you say

"I dont drink"

I'm gonna wonder. Ill even ask if there's a reason.

So she said, "No, no reason, I just don't drink"

It kinda sketched me out a bit. If she had a good reason, or even a shitty
one, she probably would get a pass too. If she would've said, "I hate the
taste" or "Im pregnant" or something, then I would've understood.

But if you just dont drink alcohol for no apparent reason, I just dont
understand and it does make me wonder about you. I know its weird, and
kinda wrong, but im just sayin...


Laying low on a Saturday night, I decide to sit outside and enjoy the nice
cool autumn Chicago breeze so I open up my back door and lo and behond on my
balcony is a big ass racoon.

................... a mother-fucking racoon I said!

What in the hell is a racoon the size of a springer spaniel doing in the

So I started to close the door and I looked at it and he just stood there
like I was the one invading HIS personal space! I don't know about you, but
being about 4 feet from a wild racoon was a rather unsettling. Now I have
to peek out my back door before I can go outside in fear that my legs are
going to be all slashed up on some nightmare on elm street type shit...

... damn racoon....


After being holed up studying all weekend (well, not really, but that was
the intention), I decided to get out of the house and went downtown to the
new H & M store to see all the half dressed chics caught up in this 80's
revival walking around. Then I decided to pop into the Virgin megastore and
on my way out riding down the escalator from the second floor I see R.

Full entourage and all just shopping for some DVD's. He's a lot smaller in
person. I thought about walking around the long way, but I thought to
myself that I shouldn't have to take the long way just because the
pissmaster himself and 5 dudes with no necks are taking up the main walkway
right!? So I walk the way I normally walk and approached the group and said,
"coming through......" and brushed shoulders with the R. once the bodyguards
moved out of the way.

At the register I asked the woman behind the counter if she could make an
announcement telling all the parents to make sure their kids are close by,
but she wouldn't do it.


CD of the moment: Los Amigos Invisibles - "Venezuelan Zingason vol. 1"

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