
future chronicle ideas..

Some random topics I want to cover in future chronicle writings..... feel

free to comment. I might listen to you..... or I might not, depending on my
mood and what it is you have to say. :)

- Black role models on a national level. Where are they? Who do we have?
Al Sharpton? Jesse? Farrakahn?

- Kids don't know shite. So why do we act like they do?

- The new Beck album. This cat is on some different shit.

- The state of black music today (or lack thereof)

- 'Racism' in the workplace and why no one else sees it except black folks.

- Being broke. The last 3 books I've read have been about becoming rich.
Now I have to figure out how to take the steps to get there.

- "Good" vs "Interesting"

- The sniper is a New Urbanist. They are making the statement that the
suburbs are no safer than the inner cities.

- Voter turnout, democracy, & protest. Does it matter? Then why does it
seem like Congress does whatever the fuck they want?

- Internet pop-up ads and why I hate them.

- Would having an MBA from Harvard really make a difference?

........ just a few of the things I've been thinking of writing about...


CD of the moment: "Red, Hot & Riot"

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