
9-11, a year later

I had started to write out a big thing for 9.11, but became so frustrated

half way through that I stopped. I find it very difficult to talk about the
tragedy that is 9.11 without talking about the 'why' of 9.11. Inevitably, I
can't help but come to the conclusion that we (our government, our country)
brought it all upon ourselves and the same people that caused the attackers
to hate us in the first place are only making it worse. So rather than
focus on the tragedy, I want to look at the impact of what happenned on our
what's going on now.
I can't explain it as well as others, so here ya go. The article below is
from www.commondreams.org.



As Terror War Expands, Failures Multiply
by William D. Hartung

Are you safer now than you were a year ago? If public safety were a function
of dollars spent and promises made, the answer would have to be a resounding
Within days of the September 11th attacks, President Bush and Congressional
leaders authorized $40 billion in emergency anti-terror spending. Within two
weeks, President Bush had declared war on "terror networks of global reach,"
warning friends and foes alike that "you're either with us or against us" in
this new international campaign.

Within less than a month, the U.S. and a few close allies had launched a
major air war in Afghanistan that deposed the ruling Taliban movement and
sent them and their Al Qaeda associates fleeing into the mountains.

As the dollars continue to flow, the scale of the anti-terror effort has
been growing along with it. U.S. arms, training, and military personnel have
been dispatched not only to Afghanistan but to Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan,
Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, the Philippines, and Yemen.

Forward bases for U.S. forces have been established or expanded at thirteen
sites in nine countries, and administration policymakers are now taking aim
at a new adversary, Iraq.

Although there is no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime provided
support for the September 11th attackers, and little to suggest that Baghdad
is currently in a position to attack the United States with nuclear,
chemical, or biological weapons, the "whack Iraq" faction in Washington
supports U.S. military action to overthrow him nonetheless.

The stated rationale for going to war against a nation that poses no
immediate threat to the United States or its allies is provided by a new
doctrine of "pre-emption" which argues that if a nation or organization
might pose a threat to the United States at some unknown future date, that
assumption alone justifies U.S. military intervention, with or without the
approval of Congress or the United Nations.

Meanwhile, on the home front, steps have been taken to federalize airport
security, round up citizens and immigrants suspected of terrorist ties or
knowledge of terrorist activities, and create a vast new department of
Homeland Security to coordinate the protection of U.S. territory.
Fundamental democratic rights, from the right to legal counsel to freedom of
speech, have been jeopardized in the process.

In short, in the name of fighting terrorism, the Bush administration has
been waging an undeclared war on international law and the United States

It would be one thing if the administration's war on terrorism was working.
If Al Qaeda and other global terror networks were being systematically
dismantled and policies were being put into place that would make future
attacks less likely and far more difficult to carry out, many Americans
might conclude that the expenditure of vast sums and the (hopefully
temporary) restrictions on basic freedoms were worth the cost. Instead, by
emphasizing a militarized approach to fighting terrorism tied to a
constantly expanding definition of who the enemy is, the Bush administration
has crafted a policy that promises minimal success at maximum cost.

The costs of the terror war are mounting rapidly. In its 21 months in
office, the administration has already sought more than $150 billion in new
military spending, while funding for homeland security has more than
doubled, from $18 billion to $38 billion. While only about one out of every
four dollars in new military spending has been expressly targeted towards
equipment or operations related to fighting terrorism, the Bush
administration's increasingly expansive, intellectually undisciplined view
of the problem has led to a situation in which virtually any military
expenditure is now being rationalized as a contribution to the war on

But even as expenditures rise, the effectiveness of the military campaign is
diminishing. In Afghanistan, U.S. "search and destroy" missions aimed at
capturing or killing remnants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda have faltered, and
top Al Qaeda operatives remain at large. To make matters worse, the U.S.
policy of financing and arming Afghan factions in exchange for assistance in
hunting down Taliban and Al Qaeda threatens to undermine the already fragile
coalition government of Hamid Karzai, plunging Afghanistan back into the
state of armed chaos that made it an attractive base for terror groups in
the first place.

While the military effort against terrorism has reached a stalemate, the
administration has made minimal headway in forging the kinds of intelligence
and law enforcement cooperation that will be needed to cut off political and
financial support for Al Qaeda. Efforts on this broader front are likely to
be far more effective in undermining Al Qaeda's ability to operate than a
series of hit-and-run military operations guided by questionable
intelligence information. In fact, the administration's unilateralist
approach to foreign policy, as evidenced by its opposition to the
International Criminal Court, the Comprehensive Test Ban treaty, and efforts
to strengthen the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions - not to
mention its go-it-alone policy on intervention in Iraq - has undermined the
possibilities for enthusiastic international cooperation in de-funding and
politically isolating terror networks like Al Qaeda.

For all the Pentagon's talk of waging a "new kind of war" in the wake of
September 11th, its emphasis on high tech military prowess, expensive
weaponry and search and destroy efforts comes straight out of the Cold War
playbook. Non-military tools, from strengthening international
non-proliferation agreements to dramatically increasing foreign aid in an
effort to reduce the number of "failing states" that are available to host
terrorist cells, have been rejected out of hand by the conservative
ideologues who hold the balance of power within the Bush foreign policy
team. And U.S. diplomatic initiatives to resolve longstanding tensions in
regions that are at the epicenter of terrorist ferment, from Kashmir to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have been reduced to meaningless gestures
designed to distract public attention from these dangerous confrontations
long enough to launch the next stage in the Bush administration's war
without end - the invasion of Iraq.

The recent wave of high profile criticism of the Bush foreign policy - from
Democratic presidential contenders like John Kerry, respected Republican
elders like James Baker and Brent Scowcroft, and substantial numbers of
active and retired military officers - has served to slow the momentum of
the war planners in Washington for the moment. But unless the debate shifts
from the significant but secondary question of how to prepare for war to the
fundamental issue of whether war and preparation for war should be the
centerpiece of United States global policy, the political, financial, and
security costs of the war on terrorism will continue to distort our foreign
relations and undermine our democracy for many years to come.

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