Okay..... before I continue with what I am sure some of you deem as ignorant... I just want to say as those of you who know me agree that I have no issues anyone’s sexual preferences .…….... just don't show me the tapes
Okay... I’ve been out and about a lot more than usual lately trying to meet a nice lady that doesn’t spin fire, have a drinking problem, or some other nondescript issue that would keep me from spending time with them. It seems to me that lately a lot of women, and probably men (on some undercover ish, but my statements are pointed toward women) .. anyways.. it seems as if a lot of women are claiming to be bi-sexual in the duce-double-zero-duce publicly...
I'm not hating, that's not my MF (modus fuckerandi) , but I mean come on... this shit is getting a little bit out of hand... without even asking, its thrown out there as if it was like saying "Hey I bought a new hat today".
I mean WTF??... I have no problems with anyone's sexual preferences and I would even encourage those who aren't sure about themselves to try some different shit out. But bi-sexual ladies in my world have always been like the mythical Unicorn in days of yore, a four leaf clover, a suitcase full of money, a credit card error in my favor, or a “very, very healthy” woman looking good in spandex,.... yeah they exist somewhere... but no-where in a 10 mile radius of my current position.
Now its like 1 out of every 3 chicks I meet gets rug burn on their chinny chin chin!! When did it become this cool thing to 'be into like that damn Burberry pattern everyone wears. (I even saw a woman who had a Burberry sweater on her dog, no lie!)
Did someone make female on female coochie licking a national pastime without sending me the memo?? I mean got damn.... honestly... what’s up... why all of a sudden there are so many ladies pitch hitting for the other team??
Was there a shortage of gay females and now ladies want to pick up the slack?? Are these just fairweather lesbians that aren't really sure but just want to play?
Or is it that these ladies have seen one to many rap videos.. and wanted to see what it felt like to have a woman drop it like its hot???
let me know PLEASE!!!!!
CD of the moment: Gustav Mahler - "Symphony No. 5"
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