
my back is jacked

My back is jacked up like a M.F.

So I’m walking down the street, minding my own business, when a sheet of ice, slides underneath me and starts disco dancing. Needless to say, I never knew how to do the Hustle, so I busted my ass.

Two days later, I go to the doctor and he tried to order me a CT scan (sp?) for my back, but the director wouldn’t let him because he didn’t think the HMO would pay for it. So I tell the doctor, “Well then let me speak to the director!” So the director comes in (30 minutes later) and tells me unless they can prove that I have potential nerve damage, it is probable that they’ll make me pay for the catscan ($700). So he asked me shit like, “Do your toes tingle?” and “Have you ever woken up from sleep and been unable to move anything at all like you were paralyzed?” If that was the case, a hurt back would be the least of my damn problems!

This was the first time that I truly felt the whole “HMO’s suck” syndrome. Having to pay $10 when you go the doctor and only $3 for my painkillers is cool, but apparently, if something is really wrong with you, you’ll never find out because the HMO won’t give you the chance to. So I’m thinking about switching health plans. That’s what I get for picking the most inexpensive plan offered.

Anyway, we compromise on physical therapy, so I start tomorrow. Three times a day for three weeks. (you thought I was bullshitting when I said I’m all jacked up!) The other thing was that he put me on bed rest for five days, which was supposed to mean 3 days off of work.

But where is my ass??? Working 10-11 hour days because of deadlines. I figure even if I rest for the rest of the week at home, I’ll be working 13-14 hour days next week to catch up and that'll mess my back up all over again, so I didn’t take any days off.

(I’ve called myself an idiot for not taking days off, so you don’t need to do it too!) How often do you get a LEGIT doctor's note to take off of work??!!! I'm trying to compensate by coming in a little late, but it's not quite the same.

Needless to say, I’m in a lot of pain and need to have my ass at home.

I’ve got a couple of Becky’s from work that have offered massages, but I don’t think that is a road I want to walk down. Maybe if I ever got my union card, I’d be able to fish from the company pier, until then……


CD of the moment: Vikter Duplaix – “DJ Kicks’

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