
So do you work out?

"No, I don't"

You would've thought I shot her mother.... the look of disgust on her face said it all...

I'm cramming to understand... why do people that work out think they are better than everyone else?

I understand working out makes you feel better about yourself and all that. But I hear these folks go to great lengths talking about fiber bars and how they got up at 5:00am and biked for 20 miles and I just can't help but think its all craziness... man, if something wakes me up at 5am... we've got a problem... and I'm going to have a problem ALL DAMN DAY because I was up at 5am... the only way I'm getting up that early is if I'm catching a plane.... and someone else booked the flight. Because I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a plane ticket that makes me have to get up at 5am...

I just don't get it.... but then again, there are people that think rushing home to get 9 holes of golf in before the sun sets is craziness too... but there is a big difference... I'm drinking beer and smoking cigars! To me, its like some sick and twisted self-degredation to eat bars you KNOW you don't like... and if you look at all the health bar aisle... what are the flavors!!! a whole bunch of unhealthy shit... chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow, and a bunch of things that you are not letting yourself eat... so instead you trick yourself into getting the taste of, but not the real thing that you're denying yourself..

... if it weren't for the sexy assistant at the dentists office I'd eat chocolate all the time, but I'm sure she doesn't think cavities are sexy...

so these two cats are talking about the weather and trying to one-up each other about how much they rode, and blah blah blah... and talking all loud as if to let EVERYONE around them know.. problem is... nobody cares. nah, I don't want to see your bike online...

its kinda like these new hyper-graphic polo shirts with the way too big logo on them... this whole overcopensatory lifestyle of bling has just infiltrated everything and is all up in people's brains and stuff now... where as it becomes a way of being way beyond fashion...

maybe I'm way out in left field on this...

in any case, there is a GREAT article I just received about public sex in case you're interested..
