So do you work out?
You would've thought I shot her mother.... the look of disgust on her face said it all...
I'm cramming to understand... why do people that work out think they are better than everyone else?
I understand working out makes you feel better about yourself and all that. But I hear these folks go to great lengths talking about fiber bars and how they got up at 5:00am and biked for 20 miles and I just can't help but think its all craziness... man, if something wakes me up at 5am... we've got a problem... and I'm going to have a problem ALL DAMN DAY because I was up at 5am... the only way I'm getting up that early is if I'm catching a plane.... and someone else booked the flight. Because I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a plane ticket that makes me have to get up at 5am...
I just don't get it.... but then again, there are people that think rushing home to get 9 holes of golf in before the sun sets is craziness too... but there is a big difference... I'm drinking beer and smoking cigars! To me, its like some sick and twisted self-degredation to eat bars you KNOW you don't like... and if you look at all the health bar aisle... what are the flavors!!! a whole bunch of unhealthy shit... chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow, and a bunch of things that you are not letting yourself eat... so instead you trick yourself into getting the taste of, but not the real thing that you're denying yourself..
... if it weren't for the sexy assistant at the dentists office I'd eat chocolate all the time, but I'm sure she doesn't think cavities are sexy...
so these two cats are talking about the weather and trying to one-up each other about how much they rode, and blah blah blah... and talking all loud as if to let EVERYONE around them know.. problem is... nobody cares. nah, I don't want to see your bike online...
its kinda like these new hyper-graphic polo shirts with the way too big logo on them... this whole overcopensatory lifestyle of bling has just infiltrated everything and is all up in people's brains and stuff now... where as it becomes a way of being way beyond fashion...
maybe I'm way out in left field on this...
in any case, there is a GREAT article I just received about public sex in case you're interested..
Get yo read on...
Over the past few weeks, blogging on here has become the last thing I want to do. I’m sick of reading depressing news, the news on friends’ blogs — good and bad — shatters my emotional nerves, and while I can keep a good handle of doing small posts about everyday mundane bullshit, I can’t do anything involving serious shit any more because I've become so cynical about the world. I want to run like hell from writing this entry now. That empty feeling about writing is kicking my ass. But its mainly because my energies have been focused in much more constructive avenues.
I had a collection of things I wanted to read and write about, and I thought I wanted to do it for fun. But so many things are losing its excitement. Small things that should be secure and wouldn’t bother any average person are tearing me apart because they’re falling to shambles. I’ve been taking refuge in the mundane — huddling with my books on the way to a position that has been much more underwhelming than I had originally hoped, working out ways to keep track of my bills, scribbling idle verses, sayings and talking points on post-it notes that look magical until they’re actually thought out.
The monniker "Curtis" of the Curtis Chronicles was an alter-ego that allowed me to act ignorant and was a snapshot of the true Curtis' feelings on a case of red bull... but the line between the alter-ego and the real me has always been clear to me, but it seems others who know me believe the distinction is much less subtle....
July was the first month hadn't written a single entry since I started this and it gave me the indication of where I was at with the blog... So I guess this is a way of saying I’m going to my corner for a while as I feel like this blog has run its course. Right now, I'm planning bigger and better things online and having a written documented history of some of the obnoxious feelings I've had over the years might not be the best idea. So get yo read on because the blog will be coming down soon...
It’s easy for me to tell others what matters when blogging — to chastise them about the idea of sabotaging themselves ’cause it’s my outlet to express whatever, whenever, however — but I'm starting to feel that I can’t even do that properly anymore without reaping the consequences.
So, yeah, I’ll be back. Or not. Does it matter?
whew.... its all coming together..
... obviously on the tail end of all of this....
I think everything is going to work out... what an intense couple of weeks... i'm not sure where to start to explain it... I'm going to try to piece it all together while I'm on vacation.. here is my horoscope for the day which tells me that all of this is a universe thing....:
"The Full Moon on Saturday is relationship oriented, bringing a certain connection into full bloom. This can be an existing partnership, new love, a connection with a child or a parent, or, if you're really lucky, it can offer you a brand new connection with your Self. The pursuit of Self-Love is the only important undertaking in the world. If you're willing to stand alone, expressing authentically and openly all that you are, then you will attain peace and the rest of the world will be able to recognize you and love you the way you love you. You may feel as though you're light years away from this reality, but you're learning right now how to put your faith in yourself, aren't you? Look to that place where self-esteem matters more than anything else and start there. You're only a baby step away."
So enjoy your time here without me... I have to get away from the English language for a while.... it helps you step outside of yourself, when you throw yourself into an uncomfortable environment... well, not uncomfortable, but maybe just unfamiliar.... it forced you to come to grips with being on the outside, examine yourself and see how you fit into a different world....I think this is what allows me to do a little more self-reflection when I'm away because you can no longer rely on the familiar, the bad habits, the bad influences, etc.... You have no other choice but to look at yourself because thats all you've got to work with... so whenever I come back from being away, it is with new perspective, new energy and new confidence it what the right way to move forward truly is...
lets hope everything I wrote is true!!
Good Lord, the universe is calling.
Please give me the strength.................
I swear if one more thing happens this week.......
this vacation couldn't come at a better time....
Good Lord you are testing me..........
My trip is coming together
I checked the local London listings for the day I arrive and I am really lucking out... After the Zaha Hadid show and a stroll through the Tate Modern, I'll be able to catch Soil & Pimp Sessions who are quickly becoming my favorite Japanese band, are performing at the Jazz Cafe. Then I'll have to choose between a Jazzanova DJ set or the legendary Soul Heaven party. I want to do the Soul Heaven party, but they're guest DJ this month is from Chicago... :(
I've done Paris a few times, but my travelling partner has not, so not sure how I'll talk her out of spending a bunch of time there yet, but my plan is to get out of Paris as quickly as possible. I've never done anything but the major cities in France, so this one is going to be a bit different since I've mapped out several amazing cathedrals in small town France.
As much as my students get on my nerves from time to time, I have learned some shit about architectural history that i wouldn't have if I wasn't teaching the class. So when I was doing Gothic last year, I came across a bit that explained that the cathedrals are spaced exactly 1/2 day of foot / wagon travel apart from each other along the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella. This was the Christian equivalent back in the day of an Muslim's trip to Mecca. I've mapped out the most amazing ones which we should be able to hit pretty quickly since we'll be in a car.
The only thing I'm really planning on spending money on is food. I love food and not being a connoisseur of French food places me at a bit of a disadvantage, so in my research, I figure if the restaurant looks cool, then I can get my design on and my grub on at the same time.
AND, on my way back, if I get back to London quick enough, I'll be able to catch the opening day of the Tour de France! Not sure if it would be that exciting without Sheryl Crow there, but it could be another feather to put in the cap. On the off chance that I'm ever around anyone when its on TV I can sound real egotistical and say, "I've been to Le Tour.".... how obnoxious... French just sounds so pompous when you hear it, oh well, I better get used to it.
I really don't have anything to say, just rubbing it that I'm going to France and you're not. ;) I was doing pretty good about getting out of the country every year, but now its moved to every other year. My ex used to try to leave the country like twice a year... she'd do it too on frequent flyer miles and shit. I wonder where she went this year... I'm sure she's left the country at least once this year.... I wonder how most of my ex-girlfriends are doing... I think of them quite often now that I'm single.
Out of the blue earlier this week an ex from like 1994 tracked me down and dropped me an email .. I haven't wrote her back yet because I'm not sure what to say? ....not sure how that conversation would go.... "So do you still take it in the ass?" might not be an appropriate question, but thats the one thing that stands out to me from her... isn't that ridiculous? I mean, she was the first girl to ever say to me, "I want you to put it in my ass." .... I was like, you want me to put it where? But that's the standout memory for me about her....
Anyway, to rub it in... here are a few of the architectural sites, I've mapped out and am considering trying to get to on the Western France countryside tour...
Taking a break
I was looking at Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, & Peru extensively, but its winter there now... Even though I swore I'd go to South America next, it just didn't seem like the right time... and I need a vacation now!
So I called and asked them what type of availability they had in Europe this summer and she gave the whole "its real tight and almost everything is booked" speech. Then she found a week long stay at a Thalasso therapy spa (seaweed wraps and shit) on an island in the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of France. So I said fu*k it and booked it... but I have to be there in two weeks...
So I started looking into plane tickets into Paris which were like $1600!!! ... just out of control... so at first I thought that I was just going to lose the free week, then I decided to look at other airports and found a flight to London for $750. Cool. I know the trains in Europe like the back of my hand and this gives me the chance to see those sexy British chics I met in New York a couple of weeks ago. THEN, I start doing a little research and find out that Zaha Hadid's first comprehensive show in London opens on the day i arrive! So I'll be getting my freak on as well as my Architecture...
So it was fate, I'll be rubbing shoulders with her heiness in a few weeks so don't hate. ;)
Then I was talking to my girl from Cali whose birthday is a day apart from mine and she says, "I wanna go!"... I told her cool, but she's travelling Curtis steelo... one bag only, architecture from the butt crack of dawn until dusk , then late nights of great food and drinks with very little sleep before we get up and do it again! and she said "cool." So me and my homie from '92 will be rolling through the French countryside in a Benz rental in a few weeks.
The bad thing is the resort is a little off the beaten path and my vacations are like intense architecture immersions with little time to relax, so maybe thats a good thing since it may force me to sit still... I'll be broke as hell afterwards, but I need it though... Since all of my other international vacation plans fell through, I just decided to do it and book a trip...
maybe I'll finally start my book....
Darfur, China, Lebron, & The Olympics
The connection between Darfur, The Olympics in China, Lebron, and why the US won’t get involved.
In THIS article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, David Aldridge wrote about Cleveland Cavaliers forward Ira Newbie, a relative no name who wrote an open letter for his teammates to sign that stated “China cannot be a legitimate host to the premier international event in the sporting world – the Summer Olympic Games – white it remains complicit in the terrible suffering and destruction that continues to this day”.
Excuse my ignorance, but I was not aware of the China – Sudan link until I came across this. According to the article above Dreamfordarfur.org states that China has provided 10 billion in economic aid to the Sudanese government, buying their oil, supplying weapons and complicitly supporting the slaughter. It is also noteworthy that China, one of the 5 permanent members of the UN has repeatedly blocked implementation of the passed resolution which would place 20,000+ peacekeeping forces on the ground to stop the fighting.
Also noteworthy is that Lebron James and Damon Jones refused to sign the letter. I speculate that James’ endorsement deals would be threatened, however, James himself said he wasn’t educated enough on the issue to sign it. But he apparently hasn’t made the effort to get educated on it and sign it yet. Now why would Lebron matter in all of this?
I’ll tell you why. From Bill Russel, to Jim Brown, to Kareem, to Muhammad Ali, dominate black athletes have been involved in social activism as it pertains to the upliftment of black people and actively spoken out on issues to call attention to specific problems that most people don’t want to talk about. This history was broken with Jordan who refused to PUBLICLY get involved in black social issues on a national stage. He did loads on a private, intimate level, but never publicly. Yes, it was Jordan’s right not to sign, but it is also my right to only see him as a great basketball player. Just like it is Lebron’s right not to sign, however it is my right to form an opinion about him based on his choice not to sign.
I am 100% supportive of calling out and exposing those players who are not living up to the standard that previous generations of social and political activism that black athletes have set.
I believe that if the major athletes in this country called for the US to boycott going to China based on its human right violations in particular its continuous support of the genocide in Darfur, we just may see the tide turn on this one. The US refuses to actively get involved because everyone knows we don’t want to go to blows with China, not while we’re in Iraq, and definitely not now, as they are in many ways supporting our economy. (most of the companies who operate in China are continually making the largest profits and gains in the Dow. The Wall Street Journal even suggested that it is international business that is keeping our economy afloat right now.)
So due to economics and politics, the US will not force the Darfur issue, and Lebron will remain complacent and quiet in his quest for a gold medal in China.
Bad party partners
I have a few people I know that ALWAYS party real real hard. Whenever I bump into them these fools are buying shots for folks, dancing like crazy, hollering at hoes non-stop, and genuinely always have a good time. And I always have a good time when I'm with them... But I can't purposefully plan on hanging out with them because these fools drink all day and all night.
Maybe they do lots of coke like so many people in the nightlife scene in order to sustain that level of energy. I originally planned on hooking up with them on Cinco De Mayo and they called at like 11am talking about "you ready?" Am I ready??? man, the eggs in my stomach are still settling, let me call you back in like 7 hours.... wtf???
Well I bumped into them last night at the phat phat phat Bugz In The Attic party, and the first thing these fools do when they see me is hand me a shot.... next thing you know its freaking 2am on a Thursday and I have to get up in about 4 hours.... not good....
I'm still hungover.. good thing its Friday... my throat feels like I swallowed some sandpaper last night...
On another note... I know somewhere a few years ago I went on an anti-apple tirade... well i sold out and bought an ipod... got the big 80GB video jammy.... so I'm a sellout....
oh, and I'm single again... so somebody hook me up!!
Newest Links
Since I know you never click on my del.icio.us page over on the right, I want to take a moment to share some of my recent link with you... These are just a few of the great products, ideas, websites, or whatever that I've found recently...
I rediscovered my favorite place to buy chocolate in Chicago. They'll ship anywhere, but you have to eat it fast, since its all natural ingredients, the chocolate is only good for about a week.
Here is a very funny cartoon about the end of the world.
Wanna be an author? I do one day... working on about 3 book simultaneously, but I found a cool self-publishing site that prints your books and places them in Barnes & Noble and on Amazon... You have to do your own marketing though..
I'd love to replace the radiators in my house as they're pretty old and janky, and found this cool company in England that produces modern looking radiators... cool stuff..
Cool photography on what living in Shanghai is like...
Always trying to be aware of what the enemy is up to, I found a site that teaches people who don't want to deal with race how to suppress discussions on race. The way I see it, if you can understand how people are formulating their arguments against race being an issue, then you will be better equiped to counter their argument.
I've been shopping for a new bed as my roommate has offered to buy mine... I'd love to buy the Lipla model from this company in Italy... Anyone have a few grand to loan a brotha?
If I ever return to Madrid, I'll be staying here.. Each floor was designed by a different architect... definitely mucho swankness here...
My local theater company continues to amaze me with the high quality of the productions. I've seen two so far and plan on catching Ed Shockley's The Oracle coming in May..
If you don't make The Host the next movie you see, then I'll be mad at you. This movie had it all.. action, suspense, a good story, comedy, political satire, and (for the most part) some pretty cool CGI. So many movies do one thing well, this one did many things well. If there weren't so many other movies out I want to see, i'd go see this one again and plan on buying the DVD when it comes out..
The Italians are doing it for me lately... My new favorite magazine is from Italy too.. Too bad the subscription rate is $200 a year.. :(
Lastly, one of my favote Obama speeches, given on world AIDS day last year..
Chris Rock On: Gun Control
Chris Rock Bigger And Blacker Script
What the hell is wrong with these kids?l got people telling me, ''Come on, Chris.Come up to a school. Talk to the kids.''
l'm like, ''Fuck the kids!
''Do you got a vest? Maybe l'll think about it.''
Everybody wants to know what the kids was listening to.
What kind of music was they listening to? Or what kind of movies was they watching?
Who gives a fuck what they was watching? Whatever happened to crazy?
What happened to crazy? What, you can't be crazy no more?
Did we eliminate ''crazy'' from the dictionary?
Fuck the records. Fuck the movies. Crazy!
When l was a kid, they used to separate the crazy kids from everybody.
When l was a kid, the crazy kids went to school in a little-ass bus.
They had a class at the end of the school... and they used to get out of school at : .
Just in case they went crazy... they would only hurt other crazy kids.
And we was all safe.
We was all safe.
Damn, the world's coming to an end.
You'll have little white kids saying: ''l want to go to a black school where it's safe.''
That's right, man.
And everybody's talking about gun control, got to get rid of the guns.
Fuck that. l like guns.
You got a gun, you don't have to work out.
l ain't working out. l ain't jogging.
You got pecs, l got Tecs.
Fuck that shit.
You don't need no gun control.
You know what you need?
We need some bullet control.
Man, we need to control the bullets, that's right.
l think all bullets should cost $5,000.
$ 5000 for a bullet. You know why?
'Cause if a bullet costs $5000 there'd be no more innocent bystanders.
That'd be it.
Every time someone gets shot, people will
be like, ''Damn, he must have did something.
''Shit, they put $ worth of bullets in his ass.''
People would think before they killed somebody, if a bullet cost $ 5000.
''Man, l would blow your fucking head off, if l could afford it.
''l'm gonna get me another job, l'm gonna start saving some money...
''and you're a dead man.
''You better hope l can't get no bullets on layaway.''
Nappy Headed Hoes
So Imus just got fired... Yeah... we won.... again!!!!!
Amidst all this celebration by the mob I ask myself..what are folk celebrating?
Answer: The same reason we watch the first week of American Idol... The same reason the Romans had slaves fighting against lions... we love to see a mother fucker freefall to their impending doom. We love watching it happen to Britney, we couldn't want to see those boys from Duke go to jail. It is just in our media dominated short attention span shock personality culture to do so...
Face it.. the majority of folks aint political, intellectual or involved in anything except for themselves.... motherfuckers are just spectators at a car wreck wishing and waiting for the sight of the gore soaked, broken and mangled body. A few weeks ago me and the lady were leaving the club and we stood on the corner with about a dozen other people as we watched this drunk girl drive into a parked car, then back up and do it again, then back up and drive into the next car, then back up and drive into a third parked car. We all just sat there and watched and said, 'DAMN, she's fucked up!!!" finally someone flagged a passing cop car. and when it all should've been over, that is when the show just began..
The crowd grew as she had to take a sobriety test, walking the line (barely), finally with the spectacle too much to bear, she just pointed at all the people and said, just make me blow.... who knows what she blew, but she had the handcuffs on her and it was over.. the mob scene disappeared and the poor girl's life is ruined for the next couple of years. No longer entertaining, everyone scattered and we all left, had our entertainment fill for the night, only she will have to deal with the consequences of her actions for the rest of her life.... the rest of us could give two shits...
so what I'm getting to is, nobody gives two shits about Imus or what Imus said. He's just the rallying point of the moment, and his career is over now.
If we look at all of the other topics Sharpton and them could be discussing that would have a more direct impact on black america and how such a lack of concern has been shown. Let a mother fucker bring up a conversation about the world bank, mortgage rates, Darfur, Job Opportunities, Obama, joining book club or getting registerred to vote.... ... you know the deal......... crickets
Then along comes Imus and black folk think its hip to be aware and declare how grave of an injustice it has been... white folks take this as an opportunity to remind everyone just how culturally conscious they are and how many black friends they have... like somehow that makes it all ok.
But what white folks don't understand is WHY black folks get so upset about this shit... it's because it never stops man... everytime it happens, it affects us... they've been firing folks for saying ignorant shit since Jimmy the Greek as far as I can remember... to us, we would think, obviously white folks know if they say ignorant shit, they're going to get fired!! so either they don't care, don't think they're wrong, or just don't think they'll get into trouble... or the way we see it is, probably, it's they way they talk when they're not around us... hell, it's the way I talk when I'm not around nappy headed hoes... but I know better then to say it when I'm around them!!
AND, BLACK FOLKS been saying all kindsa bitch, hoe, nappy dugout, chickenhead comments in our music without one OUNCE of protest, so some 70 year old white guy that nobody gives a shit about says some ignorant shit and NOW we wanna get some religion?? GTFOH with that bullshit...
This shit will last a week tops.. then, pass the titties, the malt liquor, the cocaine and everyone will get back to the business of being full time trifling...
sad ain't it...
My tulips are sprouting!!!
Holy shit....
Remember when I told you my momma made me plant the tulips she bought me for my new crib? She was RIDING a brotha after she left....
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"you plant your tulips yet?"
"yes mom, I planted my tulips"
"........ no you didnt"
"you're right, I didn't I was tired of hearing you ask me"
so finally after much harrassment, I planted the mfers... and I must say, that my heart was filled with a little joy the other day when i walked up to my house and saw 50 little buds sprouting out of the ground.
My momma would be proud...
What's God got to do with winning?
Can someone tell me? I mean you win something, you thank God... God never wrote about "winning" did he? Is it have something to do with Blacks and religion?
We score a touchdown, we thank God, we hit a home run, we thank God, we win an Oscar, we thank God... now I can understand like, if you SURVIVED CANCER, or had a healthy baby... that shit is worth thanking God for. But are we really supposed to give God thanks for winning?
I could see if maybe you thanked her for "giving me the strength"... but if you got millions of dollars in the bank already, I ain't with you homie! Truth is, we really don't know how much strength comes from within ourselves vs how much comes from my dead cousin's mother's Aunt twice removed that was married to a slave down in Mississippi. If I ever win something I'm going to thank myself!
For the fellas...
Behind the scenes Yonce pics from the new Sports Illustrated "music" issue.... Hate if you want, she ain't a model or an athlete, yet papa Knowles got her on the cover of SI...
show of hands...
It is never fun to be faced with the dilemma of whether or not to crush the expectations for cuddling before you even get started, yet in a twisted way, relish in the fact that you'll be able to get up quickly afterwards OR go ahead do the do, then after about 10 minutes of cuddling do the whole, " {{{SIGH}}} you know I have to go back to work tonight right?"
in some weird way, I kinda miss those days.... but I'm fortunate to have a job that when I'm done for the day... I'm done for the day..
The moral of the story kids, is, always make time for the booty in your life. If you have to go back to work, she's going to be mad anyway, so instead of staying late and getting home to a sleepy / tired woman, why not go home and make each other happy for a couple hours, then come back to work?
just a thought..
Din for Ten (actually 9)
It ended up being 9 people instead of 10 but by the end of the night we had finished 10 bottles of wine and a pitcher of Sangria..... whoo!!
Y'all didn't know Curtis was a Chef too!!!??? Peep the menu below:
January 20, 2007
Trio of Catalan Tapas:
Pan con Tomate – Baguettes w/ Hand Rubbed Tomato & Olive Oil
Tortilla de Patatas –Potatoes & Onions Fried to a Golden Brown
Escalivada w/ Goat Cheese – Roasted Eggplant, Red Pepper & Tomato
Pan Seared Scallops w/
Garlic & Butter
Mesculum Greens w/ Blue Cheese,
Port Poached Pear, Cherry
in Aged
Intermisso of Pineapple Sorbet
Pollo al Vino – Cornish Hen Roasted in Red Wine & Garlic
Fresh Cut Green Beans
Wasabi Smashed Red Potatoes
Crema de Limon
Chai or Coffee
figures of speech
... So in an effort to put some pressure on a brotha to complete the current task quickly he says, "Don't make me have to crack the whip!!"
Don't make me have to put my foot up your ass either...... He's new to the whole management thing and still have diarrhea of the mouth... not quite understanding that there is some responsibility that comes with management... albiet middle management, but still...
I should've scared the dude and said, "Don't make me have to invoke Nat Turner, snatch the whip out your hand and strangle yo white ass with it!!" He knew as soon as he said it, it was wrong and started stuttering about it being a "figure of speech"... and I didn't even have to point out to him that it was a fucked up figure of speech... I just had this confused look on my face as if, "you know what you just said was fucked up right?" and he did, so sometimes it's just the look that sends the message..
In other news, start saving your pennies boys and girls, my main man from Illinois is about to announce for the presidency and i expect all 3 of my loyal readers to give some money to his campaign.
Duke rape case
I have a lot to say on this...
However, I'm just gonna let shit play out first BUT I will say if they raped the girl, or if they didn't, I hope we learn something from this. All of this freakin' rush to judgement, marching, protesting, taking sides and shit all because somebody is black and poor and the other people are white is stupid on both sides. You all know folks were taking sides based on wanting some preppy white boys from Duke to go to jail for watching too much Mr. Marcus.
It's always the folks that talk the loudest that know the least. Right when this shit happened we saw Rev Sharpton and all kinds of folks down there talking about the unjust judicial system and black folks better get justice this time around. Well that is true, black folks been going to jail for shit they didn't do for a long time... but there is a lot of black folks that do shit they need to go to jail for too...
All I'm saying is, get the facts, don't be swayed by what they're saying on TV or what Al Sharpton says, think for yourselves! And before we all start singing Kumbaya, making signs and marching, lets just take a minute, observe shit for a bit, look at the facts, THEN make a decision.
How you gonna take sides on some shit you don't know about unless you were there catching the ping-pong balls as they were each popping out one by one..... (............I'm just saying,..... I've HEARD that this type of thing happens .......... um...... when you hire private strippers, .... but... um.... that could just be rumors and stuff...) Ultimately if this girl fabricated the shit, it just ends up making black folks look silly and serves as a nationally known "little boy who cried wolf"... and the fear is that it creates a backlash, where every little black girl that gets raped by a white guy is automatically doubted....
Whether they did it or not, if these guys get acquitted, it's a good day for white rapists and that is just the fu*ked up reality of the situation. Obviously science isn't reliable because you have people tampering with the evidence, screwing shit up.... I hope they don't talk about this anymore and the whole thing just goes away...
kind of an appropriate topic for MLK day no? flawed judicial processes, equal opportunity under the law for all, etc... etc... I read that a lot of young kids today don't have any clue what MLK was all about, and what the "I have a dream speech" was really set out to accomplish. I never get tired of hearing it and it serves as an inspiration to me every time.
Click here for the full 16 minute speech in its entirety. Enjoy!
I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!
What it is?
I'm bout to give you the low down shmowdown on somethin' that has been botherin' me since I visited my homies back in Springpatch...
..... sorry... just came from hanging out with my students and had a conversation with one of my students and couldn't resist.. When I was handing back the final papers from last semester to the students who are now taking part deux of my class, a student came to me afterwards and couldn't understand why I gave him a "C". I told him for starters, the sentence, "Basically, Baroque architecture is just the hotness!!" has no place in a scholarly paper. He thinks he's keeping it real, I say he's keeping it real dumb.
And when the hell did bluetooth headsets become jewelry? I asked this guy to take his off because the freakin' blinking blue light was bothering me!!! He goes, "You just said we had to turn our phones off and my phone is off." This is true, so how about I'm adding a new rule, no blinking blue lights in my face while I'm lecturing. No blue lights at all whether they're blinking or not! What the hell? These things aren't sexy!?
I was at dinner not to long ago and saw two people sitting down together and they both had they're blinking blue lights in their ears for the whole dinner!!? Do you know how silly, not to mention rude that is??? It is as if, I have to be ready at any moment to take a call from anyone because it may be more important than this time I'm spending here right now with you.
I just feel like we are getting less and less connected from each other in this IPOD technologically sophisticated world. The fact that we have to deal with people less and less has translated into a severe shortage of individuals with people skills. You see it whenever you have to interact with someone somewhere... gas stations, restaurants, wherever... its sad.
Next time you go out to eat with someone, turn your phones off and just enjoy the company of the person you're with.
In other news, It looks like I'm going to go from having a completely empty house to having two roommates. Two very close friends have stumbled into situations they didn't plan on being in and despite me not being completely done with everything and still not having heat (other than portable heaters) they're both moving in. It's cool, I'm at my girl's house 90% of the time anyway so it's not like it really changes anything for me. It'll actually be nice to have people to drink with when I go to my house.
I also had a couple squirrels move into my front porch... bitches... but you know as soon as you get ready to do some evil shit to a squirrel, you have second thoughts... do you notice this?? Because you know, if that squirrel decided to, he could probably fu*k you up. I know a guy who had a squirrel get into his house, twice!! He screamed like a little bitch too when that MFer came out from behind a box of Vanilla wafers.... (why do we insist on saying vanilla, when clearly the box says "Nilla wafers"? I ain't never heard nobody call them shits NILLA wafers)
They don't know, my family is country, my dad used to hunt squirrels... tastes like chicken.