
the holiday hoes are back

We received our class of freaky interns for the holiday season yesterday. 

We have a series of interns that work in the office during the break and
others who work here during the school year as part of a co-op program. So
when the co-op folks leave, the college students take their place.

They're all women, and they all dress like they're on their way to the club.
Navels all out, tight ass pants with the thongs popping out the top, and
they're all touchy feely with all the men. Personally, I think they're all
idiots, but all the men in the office are too interested in looking at the
hard nipples to care.

So I've become that guy where they come up to and say, "watch this", then
they go over to an unsuspecting married man, bend over and in their best
'naughty girl' imitation say something like, "I don't seem to understand,
can you puulease explain it to me big guy?" and then the men knock each
other over to run to their aid. It's really quite ridiculous, the power of
the pussy.

Either these guys need to get some, or take up masterbating if the wife
ain't taking care of business. It is very disturbing to see men at the age
of 29-35 drool over someone 10 years their senior when they know they can't
get any. I mean you would think that these people have never seen ass
before the way they get all excited when an intern's thong pops out of the
top of her pants. The e-mail barrage is really over the top and they try to
be all slick and motion with hand signals to inform everyone else they
should just 'happen to' walk by the water cooler.

Oh yeah, they stick one intern next to the water cooler. That's some fucked
up shit to have to hear bubbles all day while you're trying to get some work


Fucking IT took my speakers so I can't listen to music at work anymore
I'm pissed about that shit.

I'm really in the wrong though. When I received a new computer I knew I
wasn't going to get speakers with it, so I hid my speakers from the computer
whose lease was up. But when they finally did inventory, they found out the
speakers were missing......... MF's. I guess I'm back to dealing with Amy
Grant's Christmas.

My man went out and bought a 'Motown Christmas' to try to cater to me a little
bit since I was talking about how terrible his taste in music was. But now
I realize, it's not actually the music genre that bothers me, it's just
Christmas music in general. I mean when you think about it, what other
songs have you heard over and over again recycled for your entire
lifetime?..... none. Maybe Happy Birthday, but who couldn't listen to
Stevie's version a couple times a week? I realized, I just hate Christmas
music, no matter who is singing it. I'm really into the holiday season
though. The time for giving, sharing, reflecting on the past year, all that
good shit. I'm all for that, we just need a new soundtrack for the season.



punked by North Korea

So let me get this straight:

Iraq: "We don't have any weapons of mass destruction."
US: "Yes you do, you're lying. Let's bomb 'em"

Korea: "We have nukes."
US: "Well, don't use them on us or our allies, and we won't use ours on

............... am I the only one who feels like we're being punked by North


CD of the moment: Common - "Electric Circus"

Also, I need your address so I can send you a Holiday card. I'm calling it
a holiday card because with deadlines and shit, it might not get out before


How is your immune system?

I was asking myself this today, because I think I'm going to pass on this
small pox vaccine. With the head of the department of health saying that
like 3-4 people will probably die from taking it, I think I'll take my

Shit, it's so damn cold in chicago it will probably freeze the virus and
turn it into crystals around this MF. I might take Saddam's side on this
one. If he gets me, he gets me, but voluntarily putting your life in the
hands of some government scientist is not a very good option either (NIH not
included Barry).

Maybe I watch too much Alias, but I'm thinking they're probably going to
inject the country with some sort of microscopic chip that will allow them
to track me and shit, then slowly eat me from the inside out when it's time
to eliminate me.

On the other hand, they must know some shit I don't know if they are really
considering injecting the entire population with this vaccine that could
include any number of possible side effects. I haven't had a bad cold in
like 2 years, so I think I'm straight.

Maybe it is a way to inject fear into the population. I think this entire
homeland security business with the stoplight warning system and shit is all
an orchestrated attempt to inject fear into our population in order to make
everyone say, "Bush, protect us from the evildoers!!", increase his
popularity and gain the republicans another four years in office. Maybe
it's fear that put the Republicans in power of Congress??

I'm not sure, but I've got Christmas shopping to do like a MF this weekend.
I'll worry about this some more on Monday.


CD of the moment: Llorca - "Newcomer"


Whitney is my new homegirl

Whitney gained a new fan last night during that interview w/ Diane Sawyer. I

felt her pain when she was talking about when she was saying she doesn't
think of herself as an "addict" and didn't need "rehab". It's the ppl who
don't do drugs who are the 1st to throw that "addict" label around all
willy-nilly. We don't know how many drugs she uses or how often or for how
long she's been using them or how they're affecting her life. If Whitney
uses coke on the weekends every now and then or smokes a joint everyday and
has a drink and swallows pills sometimes and whatnot...that's her business.

Whitney's got a party girl in her & I love her for it.


Back up off my new girl.


Fools at work

Well, I survived Thanksgiving.  After last year deciding to spend the

holiday with some family members that I don't spend that much time with, I
was reminded why I spend time with my own family. Don't get me wrong,
everyone has some special people in their family, but last year was just too
much, folks adding slices of ham to their ice cream and shit was too much
for me to handle this year, so I went home.

Hung out with some people from high school and am reminded why I don't hang
out or speak to most of them that often. Those MF's are crazy! My friend's
little brother recently stabbed their dad, folks are scheming on how to move
back in with their parents, trying to finish up their associates degrees (10
years after high school), and as I sat at lunch, I was trying to convince
this girl that she could do so much more with her life than be a waitress in
hopes of being promoted to be a bartender, but somewhere along the line, I
gave up and realized that we're just in two different places.

It was tough to come back to work after a few days off, but these MF's just
make it worse by jumping all into the Christmas spirit. They've been
playing Christmas music non-fucking-stop for the past two days!!!

And I'm talking about that really, really wack Christmas music, not that Lou
Rawls shit like moms used to play. I really, really can't stand Christmas
music, not only because of how all of the people who don't celebrate
Christmas are bombarded by it non-stop for a month, but it's freakin'
everywhere!!! Every elevator, every store, every storefront window, lights
on trees, on houses. I've had enough of it already, I'm not sure how I'm
going to last.

Then there are these fools in the accounting department. Don't get me
wrong, I LOVE my black folks, but in an office environment, it is not always
appropriate to celebrate the ghetto tendencies that some of our people have.
I'm not saying don't be proud of where you come from, but know when it is
and is not appropriate to express yourself.

So my girl brout in 2 Miracle Whip sandwiches decorated inside with
doritos(spicy of course) and of course someone said "Man that looks
horrible!". And she said,

"Fool, I gets DOWN wit the MDub n Reeto combo."

........ I turned and walked out of the office. But why did she have a
tupperware drinking flask with Koolaid in it too??? Are you fucking
serious??? Tupperware flasks???... I mean, sure sometimes you just need
koolaid to set the meal off right, but I mean this is one of those flasks
with the mouth of it way too big to sip out of so I know she was going to be
all mustached up by the end of lunch......

When asked, "Why Doritos?" It was discovered that she was using the doritos
as a cheese substitute............ "Doritos on hamburgers... thats a good

The rest of the Black folks in accounting just smiled and nodded, all others
were like wtf??? It's not like this is the first time for that shit either.
I've seen it happen over and over, and the shit is just embarrasing! Why
I feel the need to take on the guilt that these people obviously don't have,
is beyond me. But bologna is NOT a cold cut okay?? Roast beef, turkey,
ham, sure. But some burnt up pressed pig ass??? What trips me out is how
this one girl not only put some mustard on it, with some cheese, but then
she put it in the fucking toaster oven???? Like it was reminiscent of some
sort of Quiznos sandwich or something.. But the best line of them all
was when asked if she was broke, she replied,

"Fuck naw, i'm coordinatin my loot."

Coordinate on my friend.........


CD of the moment: Art of Noise - "daft"